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Man is the guardian angel of his destiny on earth. It is not the responsibility of God to determine how long men will live on earth. Altars of life are raised on earth by men. The revelational word of God is the greatest gift of God to man. God’s life is in the light of His word and whosoever makes constant and tangible contact with the revelational light of God’s word will be preserved by it. The light of God’s word can improve the value of our blood which will definitely increase our days on earth. The life of every man is in his blood.

However, men can become one with God when they become one with His word and will not see death. This is true because when God wants to increase the days of men, He exposes them to greater lights. The value and des tiny of every life is estimated from its light. Having access to the hidden truths of God is the highest reward of sacrifice. God will always share His life with those who desire to partake in His divine nature. Our choice to increase our days on earth will be visible in how we relate with God’s instructions. God will not be part of any life that he doesn’t instruct. You have power over your life and that makes it yours. So, paying adequate attention to the truth of God’s word is a clear indication of our willingness to live. The lives of all who kept themselves must not be taken.

Moreover, all that died had a choice to live. Man was made to have power and be in charge of his life. God expects us to connect to Him so as to share destiny with Him. It is the values men provide for God that He uses to increase their days. Developing strong will to relate positively with the oath of life will definitely attract the preservation of God. If we choose to hide ourselves in the secret place of the Most High, God will provide shadow of covering for us. It is imperative to know that consecration can increase the days of men on earth. Caution should be observed by men because any character that God does not identify with will create a platform for satan to attack us. Sin devalues men and empowers satan to mock their divine essence. God doesn’t protect sinners because the act of sin connects men to destruction and death. Remember, it is in righteousness that the eyes of understanding of men are enlightened to number their days. The life of any man who functions in the realm of God will never be reduced.

You can choose to increase your days through continuous fasting and prayer. This spiritual ordinance opens gates of life and shuts gates of death.

Furthermore, it is practically possible to give birth to a new body from existing one through travail. The presence of light will always exterminate darkness. It is light in our souls that inspires a continuous groaning of putting immortality upon our mortality. It is this new self that is the temple of God. And there is no limit to all that God can achieve through transformation. The word of God has inexhaustible power. It is not possible to separate a man who has become one with God’s word from the destiny of God. This glorious oneness ensures elevation from God. Everyone who pays adequate attention to the infallible word of God can’t be separated from the divinity of God.

Conclusively, conversion avails men the privilege of enforcing a break from the past and be clothed with immortality. God gives men new destiny when they take new nature. Conversion is an awesome act that men must pay to enjoy. When men ignore the pain of converting their old nature, they will pay the price of losing their lives. This is why who we are and all we are designed to accomplish for God determines the kind of attention he pays to us. Understanding that man is omnipotent on earth should motivate him to take serious responsibility for his preservation.

Materialism is a great evil. Those who are never satisfied with what they have will be victimized by satan. When men sell their souls to satan, he will shorten their lives. Why avarice must be hated is because it mocks the divine nature of men. When materialism beclouds the sights of men, they will never connect to any tangible vision. It takes separation, sacrifice, selflessness and consecration to access deep destinies in God and be preserved to fulfill it.

Perusing through the pages of this enlightened book will prolong your days on earth.

Make it a must read.



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