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The earth is a woman. Except women give birth, there will be no life on earth. Women are very kind, amiable and full of understanding. Anybody who must make reasonable impact on earth, must depend on women to achieve it. The heavenly Christ couldn’t be part of the earth until Mary gave birth to Jesus. Women are not heavenly beings and that is why their portion on earth can’t be taken. Anything that reigned on earth was nourished and supported by women. If God needed Mary to accomplish messianism, there are so much holy, reserved and consecrated women can accomplish on earth.

Women are life-givers because their wombs are where lives are formed and is also altar of destiny. Jesus Christ received the life of God while in the womb of Mary. The life of God must be the life of man before it can be given to other men. God will not hesitate to accomplish the impossible if He gets prepared wombs. A woman is like a two-edged sword and this is why she must be related with intelligently. The earth is wounded and as such can’t stop wounding people. The comforting power of women is highly needed in this season of restoration. The restoration program of God for this dispensation is making demands on the manifestation of unique women. The repairing of the desolate places of this age can’t be achieved except women take their place. What God will achieve on earth depends entirely on the readiness of women. Since God depends on women to progress the destinies of families and the earth, we can’t be over patient in seeking the secrets of God. Things are never the way they first appeared that is why we must be patient.

However, women must be involved any time God wants to visit the earth in a special way. Mary’s ability to contain the divinity of God was an awesome experience. If a man who is equal with God was born by a woman, then we are yet to see the inherent abilities trapped in women. It is not a joke that Eve is the mother of all the living. Women deserve to be revered because of their usefulness in managerial dominion of the earth. The earth does not despise the efforts of women. This is why the earth responds faster to the voice and efforts of women than men. If evil must end on earth, God must depend on women to end it. God needs His deposits in women for all He desires to accomplish in this messianic millennium. The earth is compelled to take a new destiny each time women are transformed significantly.

Consequently, the coming of the Lion of Judah is principally in the hand of women. The answer to every difficult puzzle is with women. Women are very friendly and submissive to the divine that is why God will always need them in difficult times. The earth puts on a new look each time God raises unique women. Women are sweet savor of life to those that must live and savor of death unto those that must die. Neglecting women in this season is mocking what the season is all about. What the spiritual and consecration efforts of women produce will always represent their individual values.


Furthermore, if you are reading this book, you need to know that the reason you are alive is because a woman chose to preserve you. No one is more important in your life than your mother. it will be an act of wickedness for anyone to despise Mary. Jesus wouldn’t have been born if Mary didn’t have divine qualities that could produce Him. It is hard to believe that a woman is the mother of God. Giving birth to Jesus made Mary the most important and useful woman that ever lived. The foundation of every messianic season is laid by women. The best is yet to happen. The woman clothed with the sun and have the moon on her feet in Revelation chapter 12, is the mother of the ancient King that owns the earth. It is the nature of women that defines the value of their seed. The womb is a place of destiny because God accomplishes ordination in it.  A culture of godly raising should be adopted so that children can be connected to enviable destinies through impartation. A spoilt child is a lost adult.

Conclusively, the compounded and complicated influence of women should be intelligently utilized because their controlling power on earth is graced with endless choices. Everything on earth rises and falls on women. Those who care about the destiny of this millennium should offer special prayer for women. You are reading this book because your life is connected to a particular woman. The restoration program of God for this sacred millennium will not be accomplished by Mary, but by you. This age is blessed to have someone like you with the power of restoration.

Encapsulated in the enlightening pages of this book are timeless truths designed to provoke the power of restoration trapped in you.

Make it a must read. 



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