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The primary accomplishment of vision is to enhance the values of men. Vision must achieve the preservation of men before they can be enlisted into battles. Through value enhancement, the spirit of vision empowers us to accomplish great exploits. from vision, strength and abilities of men are revealed to determine the battles they can win. God does not fight the battles of men; men must be prepared for any battle that they desire to win. God will not support us to win battles we don’t have the value to win. Hence our values are far more important than the strength of the enemies.

Enemies are as important friends in the life of everyone. Life is summed up in battles. Fighting is an important aspect of every successful living, preparing for battle ought to be more crucial than fighting. Whatever the living light of God achieves in us will definitely hurt our enemies. Running into light is being victorious. Light is not only the greatest asset of God; it is also the strongest weapon of God. If you hide in light, God will hide in you and your tabernacle shall be an armory house. This is very crucial because the enemies we didn’t win in our transformation, we can’t win them in battles. So there is no amount of time that is invested in value enhancement that is too much. We should therefore, depend on the inspiration of the Holy Spirit to achieve the necessary training that can enable us win dangerous battles instead of calling the name of the Lord when standing before nefarious adversaries. Those who trifle with life battles are constantly subdued and defeated.

However, future must be seen before it can be apprehended. When men lose charge over their lives, they become their own enemies. Those whose human values are ruined by visionlessness can’t win fierce battles. Absence of vision is absence of God. The inability of men to see their future is a sign that they are already defeated. This is so important because battles must be fought from preparation and not by faith. Whatever that must not die, must be kept alive by vision. If we desire to win battles against death, we must put on the immortality of God. Winning strong enemies requires invigorated mentalities.

Conclusively, God’s word is so precious in His sight because of its nature, power and all that can be achieved through it. God’s word is infallible, immutable and incorruptible. Whatever God couldn’t accomplish through His word can’t be accomplished through any other means. This is why when men pay unbreakable attention to the word of God, He gives Himself to them. Don’t give enemies the attention you should give to yourself. God is not as interested in our victory as He is in our transformation. We are all brought to the world for a definite purpose and we must not make fighting the devil the primary purpose of our lives. A man who is not clothed with divinity must not fight the devil. All victorious lives are clothed lives. Spiritual nakedness which is a great evil makes men vulnerable, wounded and defeated. It is ridiculous for a naked man to claim to be a child of God because he has no value in God’s sight. It is horrible for someone to be adding age without being transformed. The spiritual clothes men wear prepares them for victory. God honors men by clothing them. All whose thoughts are not imparted definitely by vision will never enjoy the mental stability that is required to win lie battles.

As you peruse through the enlightening pages of this book, your value will be enhanced to win your enemies.


Make it a must read.

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