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All burning bodies are rulers. Divine personalities burn to produce victory and dominion. Burning measures, the grace of God at work in us. God keeps everything He created under His feet through burning. All who are begotten of God burn. When men avoid the pain of victory, they will be subjected to the pain of oppression. Saviors are made through pain. Sacrificial bodies preserve themselves through burning. God subjects’ men to continuous burning any time He wants to harvest great values from them. How can someone who is weak and fickle defeat a divine personality like satan who is resolute, focused and determined. The battle we win in ourselves determines the battles we can win outside ourselves. Transformation is the greatest accomplishment of fire in the lives of men.

However, the light God depends on to exercise dominion is encapsulated in fire. A way will always appear where there is burning bodies. Anyone who chooses to remain relevant on earth must keep burning. Anyone who is separated from the pain that should enthrone him must not be allowed to sit on the throne. Ways of prosperity and usefulness are created on earth by men’s value. It is what men pay for that rules the earth. Every path has its destiny. Those who created a high way for prosperity will never be poor. The reason we must not ignore sacrifice is because of its power and efficacy. The hand of God is shortened on earth each time men hoard their sacrifice. It is very imperative that we invest sacrificially in accomplishing our life purpose because purpose is more important than life. In fact, there is no preservation and immortality outside purpose. We must not tolerate enemies who are blocking our way to success and prosperity. There are enemies we can’t win except certain painful sacrifices are made. Battles must not be avoided if strong enemies must be courageously defeated. The hope of this millennium is her burning bodies. There are vessels God must depend on to win some battles. The degree of our burning is controlled by the kind of enemies we must win.

Furthermore, the Holy Spirit empowers men to ascend the thrones after winning certain battles. Most thrones/miracles and blessings are hidden behind very strong enemies. We must keep winning battles if we must keep reigning. God depends on the royal values of men to enthrone them. Dominion and rule are the destiny of burning bodies. Heaven is too royal and splendid to tolerate cold bodies. Burning is not convenient but we can’t win battles without it. God rules and reigns forever because He burns continuously. Every day the evil of darkness checks the quality of our dwelling place. But burning is the only divine way to destroy the works of darkness. The battles we win is also determined by our lights. The best result burning produces is light because light can’t be destroyed. The enemies that are before us are not as important as the brightness of our light.

Again, dispelling darkness in the lives of men destroys satan’s operational platform. While abundance of darkness leads to defeat, abundance of light leads to victory. It is a wonderful thing for a man to be preserved. God wounds men to preserve them.

Conclusively, all divine bodies burn. God establishes the sovereignty of the spiritual firmament through burning. Fire must not be avoided if we want to produce a new creation from an existing one. Sin reigns on earth because of absence of burning bodies. It is only fire that can produce gods from men Those who delight in taking satan for granted must know that the Son of God only defeated him after losing His life. Anyone who doesn’t want to be wounded should not be involved in destiny-transforming battles. Very strong enemies can’t be defeated without sacrifice. The value of every life is estimated in what is achieved through it. Jesus didn’t die in vain, He died to rule, reign and live forever.

The enlightening pages of this book will awaken your resolve to stay in useful fire.


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