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Effectual and fervent prayer has prevailing power. The prevailing power of prayers can call things that be not as though they were. The ability to travail in prayer is one of the most valuable gifts of God. Prayer becomes effectual and fervent when it is said from a place of right standing in God. What we say to God in prayer is not as important as our value in His sight. So, Jesus provided a platform for us as sons of God in His place in Christ.

Believers ought to be prevalent in prayer. We should be persistent before stubborn challenges until they change to our favour. Victory in the battles of life is for those who do extra things at the time of discouragement. God’s willingness to stay strong with Himself is why He doesn’t lose battles. Man is sovereign on earth the same way God is Sovereign in heaven. There is nothing impossible for man on earth. Those who hold tenaciously to the promises of God must not turn to any other direction. God has given men the opportunity to be in complete charge of His world.

Subsequently, there is a born-twice experience that only prevailing prayer produces out of men. The most rewarding form of wrestling is the one that reveals our true self. Except we give birth to our higher selves, we can’t share power with God. The true selves of men represent the dwelling place of their God. Jacob gave birth to Israel and Jesus produced Christ as their respective higher selves. Every believer should give birth to his/her higher self, share power with God and live to the fullest of his/her destiny in God. The higher self of every man is the visionary spirit that empowers the man to stay with himself until he prevails in prayer. Since vision must be awaited patiently in prayer to manifest, we need staying power to be prevalent in prayer.

There are so many things God cannot accomplish on earth except men prevail in prayer. Our ability as believers to pray until something happens reveals our intercessory strength. Before Jesus Christ faced the agony of the cross, He prevailed in prayer. The Bible says that sweat dropped from His body as blood while He prayed in Gethsemane. Jesus conquered Himself through travailing prayer. The manifest strength of God is made prevalent through persistence. Everything around us will eventually turn if we refuse to turn.

Those who are visionary, stable, patient and persistent can win any battle. We are created in the image and likeness of God to be tougher than any situation. You must remain bold in the face of adversity to courageously overcome with testimonies. Investing prayer strength towards a given purpose generates the staying power to be fervent. Purpose-driven prayer galvanizes the efforts of intercessors into the manifestation of their desires. Jesus prevailed in prayer at Gethsemane because He was purpose-driven. It is not possible for us to lack prayer enthusiasm and fervency when we focus on accomplishing our life purposes. Purpose is higher than life, it connects us to God. It is the only reason for living. Prayer made from God’s presence is a prayer made from a given place in God. The fervency and efficacy of prayer should be established from a given place. God makes Himself available on the platforms of men. The price men pay to raise platforms is what attracts God to the earth.

Veterans like Abraham, Moses, Elijah through sacrifices produced platforms. Jesus brought the God of Grace and Truth to us. Those who despise men cannot meet God. God cannot give two people the same place in Him. God increases the values of men when He gives them a place in Himself. In the places of men in God, reason for prayer is made clearer. This millennium is demanding on intercessors to declare it through prevailing prayers. The time of prevailing prayer is a season of transformation and unusual strength. God favours those who are self-motivated; they don’t lack fire. If we refuse to give up on ourselves, God will not give up on us. There is no battle that persist that men can’t win. Persistence is a sign that God is with us. The earth is too weak to resist strong and rigid men and too strong to submit to weak hearts. If you refuse to shift, your challenges will eventually shift. The earth adjusts continuously to accommodate the victorious men and women achievements.

If you are sure of what you are seeing, then you will be sufficiently motivated to take delivery. Jesus persisted in His controversial messianic ministry in the midst of biting odds. Christ higher self of Jesus motivated Him to remain focused; so, turning was impossible because there was nothing else to turn to.

Those who don’t have somewhere to turn to don’t consider turning. Every man who knows much of what has taken his life don’t struggle to be persistent. For self-motivated people, losing is tantamount to destruction. Any life that is separated from its purpose has denied its existence. No storm can stop self-motivated men.

To conquer satan and death was possible for the man Jesus because the visionary Christ motivated Him. We must learn to depend on the strength of the inner man to win new battles. There is nothing that men can’t put under subjection if they conquer themselves. Before vision immortalizes men, it must discipline them. God doesn’t take responsibility for what happens to men. Seeking God helps us to find ourselves. Each time we put pressure on God through prayer, God returns the pressure to us. At Gethsemane, Jesus was successful because beyond His intense prayers, He personally took the required sacrificial responsibility to die for the sins of men. We must learn from Jesus. Valuable people take responsibility after prayers. The greater our value in the sight of God the more responsibilities we are expected to shoulder. God depends on the values of men to meet the challenges of the earth. Fervency in prayer achieves more when it empowers us to take higher responsibilities for God. The harvested values of men make their names very powerful. It is possible for men to come to opulent heights where their names can be used to solve problems.


Finally, this evil and doubtful generation needs the reviving fire which only the prevailing strength of prayer can kindle. It is only men who have lost their lives in God’s presence that can invoke God’s fire. In God’s presence, the Elijah of God became one with the God of Elijah. The fire that men stir through prayer is what they release when a need arises. God gives fire only to those who are clothed with His nature. It is only those who have fire in them that can bring down fire from heaven. Having the ability to invoke fire from heaven is the only way we can survive in this evil generation that mocks the righteous. Prevailing prayer is a tool of victory.

The Holy Spirit will enlighten your heart as you peruse through the pages of this insightful book
Make it a must read!

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