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The spirit of vision represents God in the midst of men. Vision shields men from destruction. God takes the nature of visionary men to preserve the visionless others. The destroyer can’t hurt God’s people when a preserver is in their midst. Important seats are strictly reserved for preserved lives. Vision empowers dreamers to accomplish the impossible. Vision must guide our lives if God must produce the best from us. Preservation is the father of all blessings because whatever can’t reduce will definitely multiply. The visionary Holy Spirit can’t fellowship with visionless men. Vision will be made clear wherever the light of God’s word shines very bright. Our thought needs to be tamed by vision to be preserved and improved in usefulness. Only tamed men can tame satan.

However, God who is a dreaming Spirit created all spirits from the light of vision. God depends on vision to preserve His legacy on earth. Any age without visionary men is a lost age. God functions on earth through families. He creates families through vision and where there is no vision, destruction will be inevitable. Visionary men always serve as the guardian spirits of the destinies of their children.

It is light that determines preservation of vision. Vision will always be complicated when revelation is very deep. The intensity of light in us determines the vision we will fulfill. This is why incarnation takes deeper brightness and hundred percent life of incarnate men focusing on total transformation. The light of vision is definite and accomplishment-based. All whose lives are captured by vision are saved and preserved. Nobody can accomplish every purpose for God. The light of vision must bring us into a team where we must work with other luminary bodies. Therefore, there is need to preserve and improve our generational legacy. Men tell the story of the past in the accomplishment of vision. Future is an extension of the past. It is only a legacy that is definite that can be preserved. The visionary altar of God is built by men. God extends the destiny of heaven on the earth through visionary men. Whatever is tolerated in the past will find its way into the future. All who have an enduring legacy to preserve must pay unique attention to all they do with their lives. Vision immortalizes preserved men. It is through preserved legacies that God establishes dominion on earth.

Consequently, vision offers discipline. Through taming vision harvests the best from men by dictating how they should live. We must allow vision to choose what we invest our lives on. The way we live reveals the values of our lives. Whatever is important to God is given to visionaries to reap. The limitless power of vision strengthens men to attain immortality. God will never preserve lives that are not tamed by vision. The poverty of character that visionlessness provokes leads to death and destruction. Nothing destroys the lives of men faster than their inability to tame themselves.

The reason you must pay special attention to yourself is because whatever God must depend on to establish your destiny must come from you. Great purposes can’t be accomplished by men who are not sufficiently harvested by vision. Honour and glory rest on what vision makes out of men. What God can’t accomplish through vision, He will through incarnation. The destiny of the last age can only be declared through incarnation because of the high intensity of light needed to finally oust satan out of the earth. Incarnation is the ultimate purpose of God on earth. The preservation of ordinance demands that you build a hedge against sickness, poverty, powerlessness and death with the word of immortality.

Lastly, if a man gives himself to vision, it will pull him out of ruins, death and destruction. Whatever you keep looking at will take part of you and then fight what is not part of you. All divine personalities are patient because all who lost their lives to vision are not kept down by ancient ruins. God relates with what you have produced and what you have become and not what you are asking Him to give you. Vision is a living spirit and a person. Vision is a fellowship that teaches ordinance of divine preservation and it is tied to obedience and instruction.

Perusing through the enlightening pages of this book will impart you tremendously.


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