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Any man who is not useful on earth will not be useful in any realm. Man is not needed in heaven because man has no work there. It is an abuse of our humanity to be heavenly minded without earthly usefulness. God forges the destinies of men on earth. Whatever secured a notable place for men on the realm of the spirit started from the earth.

Man is a spirit but has an earth destiny. The misguided heavenly consciousness that devalues believers on earth should be corrected. Anyone who neglects his earth value can’t house God. Men impart heaven with their earth values. The only value that God gave to man is an earth value.

However, man was made from dust and is earth bound. This is why God is so mindful of man. Man is God’s only access gate to the earth. The celestial glory of God is revealed on earth through the terrestrial glory of man. The messianism of the Sovereign King will have an earth face. The earth is an extension of heaven. Only the efforts and sacrifices of men can progress the earth. This empowers man to be omnipotent in earth matters. So the will of God must become the will of man if dominion must be exercised on earth. The keys that open the doors of the earth belong to men. This makes it a law for spirits to pass through men for earth transactions. Men will always share destiny with the dust that formed them. Our life stories are told from our sources. Every man is born to advance part of the earth that produced him. The importance of the earth over man is why God consults it each time He desires to form man.

Moreover, man is a god on earth and he must take advantage of the wonderful opportunities’ life has provided for him and explore them. The earth value of men controls the degree of their dominion and accomplishment. Men also win their individual battles through their earth values. Our humanity is the dwelling place of God’s divinity. The Almighty God will be locked out of the earth when men ignore their earth values. We are as victorious as our earth values. Since we will be remembered by what we achieved in our bodies, it is very imperative we make great effort to improve our earth values. Consequently, God is a Spirit who needs man to be part of the earth. Except God gets a man, He can’t connect to created works. So while God is totally in charge of the spiritual realm, He shares power with man on earth. Man is a partner of God who bears the terrestrial glory of His person. We are as significant as our usefulness because only those who took their place on earth can have dominion on it. Every man is expected to work the work of his earth. Where we came from will always control what God will accomplish through us. God preserves men as they work on their lands. God will never be part of any land that men don’t till.

The principal reason the Lion of Judah will manifest to establish the millennial kingdom of God on earth is because man is earth bound. God visits men with earth face. Everything about us rises and falls on the earth. The earth is an awesome place of very rich opportunities. We must by all means discard any teaching that encourages us to ignore all that God can achieve through us. If a man is not useful to himself, such a man will not be useful to God.

Lastly, heaven will always hear the earth. Saints in heaven shall be made perfect by their values on earth. If God needs men to introduce Himself, having men is having God. Every promises God made to saints in other realms shall be fulfilled by the saints on earth. The usefulness of every man determines his value. If there must be great accomplishment on earth, man must enjoy his privileges. Royalty commands men to care about their usefulness. Any spirituality that can’t enhance our human values should be discarded. Valuelessness doesn’t only deny men a place on earth, it also mocks the privilege of men to represent God. You are created because you are needed by God and men. So, you should depend on your spirituality to improve your humanity. The God in every man is like the man. Our relevance in any realm is controlled by all that God achieves through us. Your human endowment is useful to both God and men.

As you peruse through the enlightening pages of this book, you will be empowered tremendously to maximize your human potential.


Make this book a must read.

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