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Men give birth through blood while God gives birth through revelation and ideology. Blood has limitation and it also subjects men to bondage. The value of every blood is measured in the thought of its life. There is a big difference between the children of men and the people of God. While blood can be subjected to destruction, ideas can’t be killed. Our individual fellowship with ideas determines the degree of our transformation. When God wants to answer the prayers of those in bondage, He will alter the way they think. When God wants to influence the way we think, He practically imparts what we see. While the ideology of Grace and Truth established the spiritual kingdom of God, the ideology of vengeance will establish the millennial kingdom. The children of men must go through ideological rebirth to become the people of God.

God cannot be found in the midst of men except they are ideologically transformed. Those who share thought with God can’t be killed by the devil. Sharing thought with God brings us into His everlasting realm. There is no limit to what can be achieved through lives that become ideologically transformed. The ideology of vengeance is the most powerful and effective ideology of God. It is an ideology encapsulated in the utter brightness of God. The light of men, shine brighter and brighter as God imparts their thoughts. While natural birth ties us to the loins of a man, ideological rebirth makes us the people of God. Ideology has the power to preserve men. Ideology will never be defeated by flesh and blood. The ideological transformation of men is the greatest achievement of God on earth. Through ideological impartation, God enlightens the eyes of understanding of men. Any man who is not transformed by the ideological word of God is a mere dust. While the children of men are destroyed by their thought, the people of God are preserved by the thought of God.

However, God will not protect flesh and blood because He is not connected to them. All who are born of men must go through ideological rebirth to become part of God. The kind of destiny that God will give to us is controlled by the ideology in charge of our lives. God speaks to us each time He desires to transform and bless us. The foundation of the spiritual kingdom of God was laid on the ideological light of Christ. Only ideological light can keep men alive forever. Paying special attention to the incorruptible word of God is very important because of the importance of protecting our thought. Someone whose thought is corrupt cannot be focused. God will not preserve any man who allows his thought to be corrupted by satan. The life of God is in His thought. Those who desire to speak for God must share in His life.
Furthermore, when God incarnates a spirit, the spirit in turn incarnates a man that will speak for Him. The life encounter of a man is what will enable him to speak for God. When God incarnated Christ, He spoke through Jesus. Men are doomed because they reproduce through blood. Blood and water can’t enter into the kingdom of God. Men share destiny with whosoever imparts their thought. If we are not comfortable with the fruit of a man’s life, we must not learn his thought. The thoughts of men reveal how durable their lives are. Rich destinies can only be forged when thoughts are imparted positively.

Also, vision will always inspire men to stop looking at things they are not meant to see. When we change where we are looking at, what we see will definitely be different. Because life is encapsulated in thought, men are blessed when they are imparted with the thought of Jesus. Anyone who must not be destroyed must hide his/herself in the thought of God. The blood of man is always inferior to the thought of God. Although we need the blood to accomplish our earthly works, we must know that flesh and blood tilt more towards satan. We must keep our bodies under subjection because it is the only way to keep satan out of our lives. To overcome the devil will be difficult except our thoughts are imparted and transformed.

In conclusion, the lion of Judah is coming principally to improve the thoughts of men and all who must be part of the great manifestation of this sacred millennium must share in His thought. While God gives men life from thought, satan destroys men due to the corruption in their blood. Anyone who is born of flesh is perishable. Except perishability puts on imperishability, men will remain doomed. The blood of men will never be pure except it is adequately sanctified by the light of God’s word. We are as powerful of the strength of our fellowship with the light of God’s thoughts. We must not share constant fellowship with people that have fallen thoughts.

Perusing through the enlightening pages of this book will improve your thought and progress your life.


Make it a must read.



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