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Ways can’t be followed except they are made by those who are designed to make them. The value and importance of a way determines what it will take to make it. The way that leads to Calvary was made by Jesus the Lamb but the way behind Calvary will be made by the Lion of Judah. If the prophecy made about the second coming of Jesus Christ must be fulfilled, this particular way must be created. Jesus paid to reveal the way in Christ, so shall the Lion of Judah pay price to reveal the way in Himself. The blessings that God will give to any man will always be found in the man. It is what God takes from us that determines what He accomplishes in our lives. The Spirit of the Lion of Judah must empower whosoever God chooses to make the way behind Calvary. The path of every man is in the man. The way spirits follow to men must be made by a man. The way behind Calvary is an altar. If people are not united in the way made from an altar, they will never meet God. The way behind Calvary will be made through sacrifice. The choice of God is far more important than the willingness of men to make sacrifice. The riches of every path is determines by the value of the path. Sacrifice adds value to the past to produce a desirable future, People can’t connect to sacrificial path without their individual sacrifices.

Moreover, the relationship of the Lion of Judah with the third people are established on this particular path. It is the price paid to make a way that determines those that walk on it. The way behind the cross is designed to be made through excruciating price. The accomplishments of God on earth are controlled by the availability of men. We are as important as our usefulness. It is how important a way is that determines who makes it and who follows it.  In the most important path is eternity, the Gentiles will not be found in this path of the Lion of Judah. A path that has the fullness of God’s presence will not tolerate the unclean and ravenous beasts, even the Jews who made mockery of Calvary can’t be found on it except they repent from their wicked ways. This path is exceptionally made to bring back the Jews to God. This ancient path will take everything God has to be made. This ancient path will bring great restrictions and prosperity to the Jewish nation. The engrafting of the wild olive into original olive has never favored God. The Gentiles are ungodly in nature, very insidious and treacherous. Lives that are deeply corrupt must not be allowed in the holy path. Although the Jews rejected the messianism of the suffering servant which was brought by the Son of God. They will embrace the messianism of the Sovereign King which will lead to the path behind the cross.

Consequently, no matter how divine or heavenly a path is God will use a man’s value to make it, if other men must follow it. Man is important on earth as God is in heaven. It is a way of the Son of God that took the sacrifice of the Son of man to be made. The mystery of the Lion’s path is encapsulated in the seals on the mystery of the third Testament. God will in these last days incarnate Himself to make the last sacrifice that will perfect the work He started from Adam. And this will be the beginning of the end of all things.

Furthermore, we need to discern this season and redeem it from the filthiness of the flesh that reigns in the church because of the presence of the Gentiles. The vile nature of Gentiles makes it difficult for them to have trust in God. So, it is precarious to introduce people in whom there is no faith into the path of blood and fire. Introducing the Gentiles into the way behind the cross is like bringing devoted sinner into the holiest of all. The way we are determines how we relate with the thought of God in different seasons. The coming of the Lion of Judah will lead to the healing of the blindness of the Jews and the falling away of the Gentiles.

Lastly, the way behind the cross is designed for gods. The transformational power and experience that produced gods from our wounded humanity is awesome. It is very dangerous to allow mere mortal men in a path designed for gods. Producing gods from men is the most tedious work God accomplishes on earth. Gentiles can’t be found in a golden path meant for gods.  The mortality of any man who must be found in this path must be swallowed up by life. Whatever God will achieve in future will always be controlled by what He has achieved in the past. The Lion was in the Lamb on the cross when the Lamb died and rose, the Lion took His own cross. The roaring lion from the thicket of Jordan is ready to destroy the habitation of the strong and nobody can withstand the days of His coming. The sacrificial commitments of men are driven by the choosy ordination of God. What you were born for determines what you accomplish. Any attack on our human value is an attack on the opportunities of God. The reason we must not despise the Jews is because of all that God depended on their liberal and sacrificial provision to accomplish in the days of men.

The revelational and eschatological insights in this book will greatly enlighten the eyes of your understanding and connect you to all the relevant blessings of your life.

Make it a must read! 

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