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The word of God is God. The divine process that made God one with His word is a mystery. It was possible for God to take the nature of a man because he first took the nature of His word. To make His word a human being is the greatest achievement of God on earth. This awesome accomplishment involved spiritual recreation, soul transformation and immortalization of our mortal body. Taking the nature of man makes God palpable. Building a dwelling place for Christ clothed the humanity of Jesus with the divinity of God. The house of God’s thought is a house of His word. God thinks what He speaks and speaks what He thinks. It was Christ the living word as an incarnate Spirit that made Jesus one with God. God’s word has limitless transformational power. The oneness of Jesus with the word of God is why He is equal with God. God cannot be part of any life where His word is not found. We must not trifle with the opportunity the word of God provides for us to be divine. God gives birth to men through His word. We will see God if we keep looking at His word.


However, seeking ourselves will enlighten our eyes to see God. It is not possible for God to hide Himself from those who have the ability to see themselves clearly. It is in giving adequate attention to the second person of our thought that we can unveil God. Unveiling Himself in the prophetic word of God united Jesus with God. So the man was not subjected to any form of confusion or distraction until he fulfilled the God-given task of his life. The eyes is everything. Our ability to discover and unite with the second person of our thought brings us to the third-dimensional realm of imagination. In this amazing realm, gods speak for God. It is only a man shielded from vanity that can be one with the word of God to call things into existence. There is a third-dimensional realm of immortality where there is no death. This realm is of gods in God, where they fellowship with revelation. It is only a believer who is sure of what he is seeing that can be one with the word of God. We are all expected to take change from where we look at and what we see. Every tabernacle is built for God as a fortress for us. We are as powerful as where our God is found. The house of God’s word in men is the dwelling place of God. The presence of God is sustained on earth from His house. God’s word has limitless power and ability. It is very imperative for a believer to build the house of word because God will not bless men who have not built a dwelling place for Him. Spirits dwell only where house is built for them.

Consequently, God shares divine attributes with men through His word. God created Himself from the light of His word and gives birth to spirits through the same Jesus shared oneness with God’s word and lost His life. There is always something to lose to get another thing. Nobody reduces fellowshipping with the word of God. The destiny of everything God created was made subject to the immutable word of God. This is why there is no situation that God can’t alter through His word. The legacy of God is preserved on earth through the word of God. It was possible for Jesus to become one with God’s word because He paid attention to all that was written concerning Him. It is the prices men pay that give them access to the word of God. The word of God is the most important thing God has. God’s light rules His life. It is not possible to have God in you without speaking His word. The capital reason for any form of reasonable consecration is the opportunity it offers us to access the revelational word of God. This is very crucial because it is what God reveals to us that determines what He accomplishes through us. The word of in our hearts attracts all manners of miracles. The reason God lives in men is to use them to reveal Himself. Speaking God’s word reveals God. It is the depth of our preservation that determines what God says through us. Also, the measure of the revelational word of God at work in us determines what God accomplishes through us.

Conclusively, we can’t meet God except we meet ourselves. God is hidden in the second person of our thoughts. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God’s word.

God in sundry times and diverse manners accomplished work of deliverance through different swords. The sword of Grace and Truth represents the soul relationship of Jesus with the living word. Every believer must learn to know the power of this sword and also live by it. This sword is designed to establish and preserve the spiritual kingdom of God and all believers. Any life through whom God produces a manifest sword will never be forgotten. The strongest sword in eternity is the sword of the Lion of Judah. The manifestation of the Lion of Judah reveals the totality of God retribution.

Encapsulated in the enlightening pages of this book are revelational insights designed to improve your life.

Make it a must read.



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