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Immortality is the greatest gift of God to man and immortal people are the most valuable people on earth. When covenant clothes men with the robe of immortality, they are also blessed with its riches. Death is not the destiny of man but it is only sanctified minds that can articulate it. Man is as rich as the ideology that governs his life. The value of the eternal life of God in men is to clothe them with the robe of immortality. The brightness that is needed to harvest the life of God in men so as to clothe them with immortality is what separates men from themselves. God doesn’t give men gifts that they are not ready to take. Mortality puts on immortality through the process of transformation. God gives men His life after He has taken theirs. When God takes men’s life, their life becomes His life.

You can live above sicknesses and diseases. As God is in heaven so are we on this earth. When God immortalizes men in His realm, He makes them share in all He has. The riches of immortality exposes men to the supernatural manifestations of His divine nature. We are expected to be like God our Father if we are truly from Him. The ultimate strength of God is revealed in His immortality. This is a new season in the programme of God.

The story of men like Elijah who disappeared and appeared at will is about to repeat itself. To walk upon the water and perform miracles like raising of Lazarus from the grave after four days is the destiny of this generation. The spirits of Elijah and Jesus will inhabit men to accomplish all manner of astounding miracles before the end of this age. Eyes have never seen neither have ears heard what God will accomplish in this season through immortal people.

When Jesus Christ abolished death, He enthroned believers. Those who are clothed with the robe of immortality are meant to reign with Jesus Christ. Reigning believers who are not subjected to the ridicule of death are the last hope of God. God is pouring new oil on separated vessels for the last assignment of man on earth. You need the utter brightness of God to be part of the glory of this season.

The riches of immortality is also in the surplus it attracts to people. To be part of the precious things God wants to accomplish in this season, we need to be in-charge of ourselves. Anything that can’t die will enjoy the privilege of endless multiplication. When men put on the face of God, the earth puts on the face of heaven. God doesn’t hide whatever is important to Him from those who have enough brightness to see it.

God has given everything He has to man by first of all giving Himself. The most valuable thing God has is the house of His life. Now that God is about to build this house on earth, He will definitely give men all things. The desire of this book is to open your eyes to all the relevant opportunities of this season, so that you can be part of it. Make it a must-read.

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