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Association is inevitable. God forges our destinies in our company. Both spirits and angels keep company with men. Whatever is good around us is sustained through right association. Nobody is greater than the cloud of presence that determines his command. The overwhelming influence of association can’t be denied, so we must be careful and prayerful about association because one is too small a number to accomplish great things. God incarnated His word to enable multiplication of Himself to be with man. God stays with us in His word, and also speaks to us to be part of our cloud. Angels serve only heirs who have the spirit of God’s word in their cloud. Only spirits in the cloud of the Lion of Judah that will incarcerate satan and end the last enemy. God’s word has His life and Spirit, being saturated by the word entities are angelic company and assistance. The cloud of spirits that surround believers is their hiding place. Spirits keep company with us as we unveil them from the word of God. The place of every man in God is the echelon of His word. This is why God depends on the power of His word to preserve His divinity in men. Anyone who separates himself from the efficacious and powerful word of God shall dine continuously with the vanishing world.

However, the word of God is infallible to keep anyone who puts trust on it from falling. We are as powerful as the way we relate with the word of God because it has awesome capacity to transform us and attract very important people to us. If we cling tenaciously to the word of God, we shall not be defeated not even by death. Studying and meditating continuously on the word of God will attract cloud of spirits to accompany believers. Angelic ministry is very prominent in this evil time. Any believer that must overcome the vicious attacks of demons must keep company with angels. The word of God is superior to angels because angels were made by God’s word. The transformation the word of God is meant to achieve in our lives is more important than everything we want angels to do for us. When men pay rapid attention to the everlasting word of God, angels assist them tremendously. The legacy of God is preserved in the midst of men through His word.

Furthermore, angels are covenant partners of purposeful men. When men are clothed with God’s word, their values will be tremendously enhanced and their vulnerability is covered. God clothes perishable men with immortality to extend His heavenly kingdom to the earth. God’s word wins battle through its incorruption. To be made immortal by the incorruptible word of God should be the greatest desire of all men. This is imperative because the assignment men accomplish for God is determined by what the word of God achieves in them. The light of God’s word shines anytime men preaches with power. The presence of darkness makes the light of God relevant as it dispels. God’s light has everlasting power so His legacy is preserved on earth through it. Taking in the word of God through meditation unites us with God. When light shines on darkness, a way will appear where there is no way.

Conclusively, purpose is higher than life. It is purpose that immortalizes covenant relationships. Purposed-based ties are stronger than blood ties. When men take their individual places in God, they relate purposefully with themselves. If you are a purposeful person, you must not establish any serious relationship outside purpose. The awesomeness of godly impartation has limitless positive benefits. God produces new creatures from men through godly impartation. The Holy Spirit who is the Spirit of the word achieves great transformation in men through word impartation. Men become new creatures when the light of God’s word dispels darkness from their lives. God imparts men with the light of His word each time He desires to enthrone them. While fellowship with God’s word enhances our value, tolerating the fellowship of satan leads to death. When God wants to preserve and prosper people, He subjects them to godly impartation. God forges our destinies in company.

Revealed in the enlightened pages of this revelational epistle are truths designed to help you to make new impacts through positive company.


Make it a must read.

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