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Paradise is an eternal land where God dwells in an unbreakable fellowship with believers and holy angels. It is a place of bliss and unending happiness. Paradise is the dwelling place of God. It is the presence of God in a land that makes it paradisical. The dwelling place of God is like God. God shares His destiny with any land where He dwells. God can only be found in people and lands that look like Him. Paradise represents the presence of God. Paradise is a preserved land; it is a land which God cares for. The eyes of the Lord are upon paradise from the beginning to the end of the year. The presence of God in paradise makes it the best and most prosperous land. All paradisical lands are living lands; they are lands that breathe. It is only a land with the life of God that breathes. All paradisical lands have the ability to preserve their inhabitants because they breathe. The breathing edenic paradise spewed out Adam when he lost the image and likeness of God. Men share covenant with the land of their habitation. Everything that made Adam valuable and admirable were found in the breathing land of Eden. When Adam lost his life outside Eden, he became a valueless man. All breathing lands have the ability to keep men away from evils. Pain, sorrows, crying, tears and death will never be part of any land where God dwells. All paradisical lands have unique features.

The tree of life in the midst of paradisical lands separates them from any other land where God can’t be found. The river of life is also part of the rich components of paradisical lands. Wherever there is tree of life and river of life, there will be a golden land. The tree of life is paradisical in nature. The tree of life is a life-giving tree that can only be found in paradisical lands. The tree of life is found in the paradise of God because that is the only tree that can introduce the fullness of God. Any land where the tree of life is found has the name of God in it. One of the reasons why the breathing paradisical land of Eden spewed out Adam after treason was because God can’t separate Himself from wherever the tree of life is found.

The tree of life grows only in Africa because Africa is paradisical in nature. Africa is a home of God. The tree of life doesn’t only introduce the person of God, it equally introduces God’s tabernacle. The tree of life is flesh and blood. When Jesus made Himself a meal and drink offering, He accomplished the unification of the heaven with the earth. God will depend on the strength of incarnation that produced the Son of God from the Son of man to produce flesh and blood from the tree of life. Jesus Christ is both the tree of life and the Lamb of God.

The tree of life which is in the midst of the paradise of God represents the word of life. The way the word of life sustains the life of God is how the tree of life sustains the paradise of God. When God wanted to create the heavenly paradise, He took the nature of His word. After creating paradise, God who is the living Word took the nature of the tree of life to sustain His eternal presence in it. Adam couldn’t survive outside the edenic paradise because he was disconnected from the tree of life. Disconnecting Adam from the tree of life was disconnecting him from God. Nothing is more destructive than living in a world that is not subjected to the living Word of God. The paradise of God is blessed with the river of life which waters the eternal land of God. The paradise of God is habitable because of the pure river of the water of life that flows from the throne of God and of the Lamb. The tree of life bears twelve manners of fruits and yields her fruits monthly because it is watered by the river of life. The river of life is a life-giving water that has the Spirit of the living God. The river of life is as important as the tree of life. Both of them have the life of God and they represent the life-giving word of God. The water of life is for thirsty souls. Jesus gives us the water of life as we study, meditate and act upon the word of God. Drinking is part of living. Those who eat from the tree of life and drink from the water of life shall not see death. The best people on earth are men and women who live by the word of God.

In paradise, the will of God controls the desires of men. Paradise is an eternal land for immortal people. A land of immortals is the greatest stronghold of God. So many are looking for God without finding Him because they don’t know where He dwells. God can only be found where He dwells. The immortal Jesus is the only dwelling place of the eternal Christ. All eternal spirits are housed in immortal bodies. Spirits reveal their value and intrinsic nature through where they are housed. Building an immortal house in Jesus was the greatest achievement of Christ. Jesus built an immortal house for Christ through the word of God. Those who are in paradise live by the word of God. The reason why many people will not be in heaven is because of the despiteful way they relate with the word of God. It is the word of God that reveals the way to heaven.

All paradisical lands are golden in nature. God can’t inhabit lands that are not golden. Golden lands are for golden people. The rich process that immortalizes the mortals makes men golden. Jesus became golden when the divinity of Christ clothed His humanity.

This book is made rich with a lot of revelations and prophetic insight. Make it a must read.

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