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The New Jerusalem is a city of God but was built by Jesus. The New Jerusalem is an archetype of the physical Jerusalem. This city that is located in a great and high mountain is called the Lamb’s wife. The New Jerusalem which came out of God also exists in God. The Spirit of the living God is the guardian Spirit of this rich and glorious city. Because of the rich value and splendor of this city, the nations of them which are saved shall walk in its light, and the kings of the earth shall bring their glory and honour into it.

However, God must take a form before He can build the city and the form God takes determines the city He builds. God cannot build a city for spirits except He incarnates a particular Spirit and He cannot build the city of men except He takes the nature of a man. To build both the city of God and the city of men, Jesus Christ is completely God and completely man. The material that was used to build this city was provided by Jesus Christ and this made Him the guardian Spirit of the city. Those who are expecting to see God in the New Jerusalem will be disappointed. In heaven, God is perfectly represented by His Son. Jesus Christ the living word of God is the mirror through which all that must enter into the New Jerusalem must see themselves.

One of the primary reasons Jesus Christ died and rose was to bring many sons to glory. The New Jerusalem was built by the Son of God for the sons of God. The New Jerusalem is a visionary city that existed in the Spirit of Christ, but was built by the man Jesus.

The New Jerusalem is not completely a spiritual kingdom because the terrestrial value of the man Jesus speaks in it. A lot of indolent believers see heaven as a dumping ground for unproductive religious people. They ignorantly think that the New Jerusalem is a city of hope and solace where religious people who died in penury will be comforted. Whatever we can’t become on earth, we can’t also become in the New Jerusalem. If it took the value of the man Jesus to build the New Jerusalem, valueless men will not be part of it.

Moreover, to be worthy to build the New Jerusalem, the incarnate Christ needed to harvest the earth value of the man Jesus. Through continuous impartation, Jesus was made worthy by Christ to build the New Jerusalem city. The primary assignment of visionary spirits is to improve the value of men. What God will accomplish through us is determined by what vision produces from us. It was necessary for the man Jesus to put on the image and likeness of God before building the New Jerusalem city.
The word of God is the capital raw material with which this city was built. God incarnated His word before giving birth to Christ. It was from the word that God incarnated that Jesus built the city of Christ. The man Jesus built the New Jerusalem city through the value the word of God produced from Him. What the word of God achieves in men determines what God achieves through them. Nobody remains the same when the word of God enters into him. Anyone who must build for God must be built by His word.

The life of every man is preserved by what the word achieves in him. Preserving our lives is far more important to God than all that He can achieve through us.

Jesus built the city of Christ while He was on earth. Building this glorious city was possible because the light of God’s word brought Jesus to the right hand of the majesty on High. The light of Christ imparted Jesus with the thought of God while on earth. Sharing in the thought of God imparted Jesus with the ability to function in heaven while on earth. Jesus received both insight and capacity to build the New Jerusalem as He puts on the nature of Christ.

The New Jerusalem is a terrestrial city in a celestial dominion. It is a city of God built by Jesus in the dominion of Christ. There is nothing impossible for those who have the right relationship with the word of God. God shares His life and destiny with men through His infallible word. Those who are built solidly by the word of God can achieve anything for God. The word of God is the greatest gift of God to man. Building the New Jerusalem was possible for Jesus because He was always in God’s presence.

The precious stones of the New Jerusalem which were used to garnish the walls of the foundation had the economic value of the city. The light and glory of the New Jerusalem attracted the precious stones. It was not possible for precious stones to be separated from a city that has such measure of brightness. Wherever there is light and glory, there will be gold.

It is awesome for a book that has such depth of apocalyptical insight and eschatological value is designed to transform your life.
Make it a must read!

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