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The third day which is a day of resurrection is a mystery. Mystery is a hidden truth that is later revealed. It is very imperative that we unveil the hidden things of the third day. The third day is the day of rapture. It is also a quickening day of immortality. If we must enjoy all that the third day provides, we are expected to understand what the third day is all about. The kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdom of God and His Christ on the third day. The resurrection of the dead is a remarkable event of the third day. The Spirit that raised Jesus from the grave shall quicken the body of believers on the third day. The dead will hear the voice of the Son of God and those that hear shall live. Spirits without bodies can’t quicken the dead. It was possible for Christ the Son of God to raise the dead because He brought Jesus the Son of man to the realm of God. Embodying the living Word of God was what made God immortal. Grave couldn’t keep the man Jesus because He is the living Word of God. Christ the living Word of God is the hiding place of the man Jesus. Death kills men after it has skillfully separated them from the light of God’s word. Those who died because they neglected the light of God’s word will still need it if they must be raised from the grave.

On the third day, the dead shall be raised to live forever in God’s presence. All that are dead were first separated from God’s preservative presence. Satan manifests a lot of strength in separating people from God’s eternal presence. Adam only died when he was separated him from God’s holy presence. There was no death in the visionary garden of the first man. There is no limit to the measure of wounds satan will inflict on people the moment he separates them from God’s presence. God doesn’t protect those who are separated from His presence. Abiding in God’s presence is the greatest shield for all believers. Abiding in God’s presence declares believers untouchable. The third day is a time when God will bring back those who were separated from His holy presence. There is no important man in the grave. Whatever took a man to the grave first made him smaller than who he is.

The third day is the day of the Lord when God will practically intervene in the affairs of men. It is both a time of restoration and judgment. The third day is a now time for the third people. This messianic season will be heralded by the coming of the Lion of Judah as the King of kings and Lord of lords. The presence of the Lion of Judah on earth as the living Word of God will lead to the birth of a new people of God in the third day. The third day is a chosen time when the risen Christ will share in His resurrection power and might with all believers.

The emergence of the third day will alter the history of man. Nothing will remain the same in the day of the Lord. A particular season is about to give way for a better season to emerge. The crucified and exalted Lamb is introducing a roaring and ferocious Lion. There is a birth of a new age. This is an age of total freedom and abundance. In the third day, the King of kings and Lord of lords is going to make a feast of fat things in His mountainous presence. The third day is a day of darkness and gloominess, a day of clouds and of a very thick darkness when a great and strong people shall emerge from mount Zion. God shall raise an army of locust that has never existed in this millennium. A fire shall devour before this army and behind them a flame burns. The land shall be like the Garden of Eden before them and behind them a desolate wilderness. This army prophesied by Prophet Joel has unequalled access to God’s secrets and revelations. The place of this army before God makes them very powerful and irreplaceable. Satan will not survive the support of God in the midst of this army. The locust army is a prophetic Lion army that will practically terminate the government of satan on earth.

If you are a student of the end time prophecy who desires to understand all that God desires to accomplish in this millennium, make this book a must read.

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