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Whatever a man can’t understand is a mystery to him. Whatever became powerful and attractive was first hidden. Everything that has survived time on earth was made a mystery to satan. God empowers men by veiling them. Men who veil themselves with the mysteries of God lose their lives. God is not the God of the dead, so anyone who believes in death has denied the power of God in his thought and will expose his body to death. The capital job of the God of the living is to fight our enemies. Men can’t take the nature of God except they lose their own nature. The immortality of God is established through the unrevealed truths encapsulated in mysteries. To become immortal means, you will exist, but appear non-existent which is the only way to avoid death. Everyone alive has a grave somewhere. All who did not die saw their grave and destroyed it. Here on earth change is continuous and has no limits.

However, the mystery of imagination is encapsulated in determining the first from the last. The first can’t be known until we know the last. Each time we want to know the first, we have to trace its beginning from the last. The capital job of the spirit of life and immortality is to reveal things to people because it functions through utter brightness. The angel with the head of rainbow is the seventh angel. The seventh encounter is about a man encountering the angel with rainbow on his head that has the power of tripartite dominion. The rainbow people are preserved by their sacrificial values. God’s idea of preserving people is to take things from them for their security and prosperity. The rainbow people are agents of dominion, light-producing bodies, builders of thrones and life-givers. The destiny of all nations is tied to the sacrificial nations. The angel is the leader of the last messianic army. It is the will of God for the end-time army to strip satan of his power through the finishing of mysteries by the seventh angel. We must therefore enhance our values by continuous impartation of the light of immortality into our soul to win satanic battles against us.

It is preposterous to believe that the Lion of Judah will remain in heaven. He must build His house in a man not just on earth, but in the midst of men. God is not happy living among spirits because He is the King of men. The Lamb of God is King of spirits and all who are in His heaven will relate to the earth kingdom of the Lion of Judah. The only chance God has on earth is to take a lion’s nature that can allow Him to recover the earth. There must be physical immortality before death can be conquered. Certain natures cannot accomplish some assignments because of its limitation. We need the third Testament because the Spirit of the Lion cannot accept the thought of the Lamb. The power of every spirit is in its word. The Lion shall come from an abundance of light because the tabernacle of immortality is established in the midst of men with ultimate brightness.

Consequently, the owners of the earth are here. The Lion’s tabernacle is a living one designed to destroy death and establish the rule of God on earth. The purpose of the rainbow angel is to recover the earth by declaring judgement that is written on satan and his chorts. All channels through which satan kills people are being checkmated. Royalty is an encounter and the last coronation is about the seventh encounter. Everything that reigned for God passed through fire because God is a consuming fire. Everyone that looks like God must understand the sun and fire. This is why God introduced those that want relevance to fire because there cannot be rule without burning. Fire is a place of victory. After you have gone through fire and survived, dominion will be inevitable. The voice of the seventh angel represents end of mysteries.

Conclusively, the seventh encounter reveals the Sabbath of the Lion of Judah. The earth value of man determines his heavenly relevance. The spirit that rules the earth is the Lion. Earth sense and relevance are crucial in His eternal dominion. The Lion King in the midst of immortals is an earth King. His sacrificial liberality empowers His royal authority. The Spirit of immortality submits only to ordinance. The kingdom of the Lion of Judah will only be established as mysteries end. There is a land where there is no death; the land of immortals. The mystery of the seventh encounter exists in a land where there is no death, murmuring, crying or sorrow; a royal land. In the seventh encounter of the Lion of Judah, earth will be reconfigured for the habitation of the Lion of Judah.

Encapsulated in the pages of this compendium of revelations are endless blessings.


Make it a must read.

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