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Darkness declares the time of the night when the sun has withdrawn its light. All who achieved outstanding feats on earth took advantage of the night. They had vast strength to convert their night into day. All great spirits are most active in the night. People of God are of the day and not of the night. The end-time army must work hard to stop satan from using the night hours to spoil the works of God. For the will of God for this second millennium to be accomplished, we must of a necessity take advantage of the night. We must burn to produce our own light. The value of every man’s life is introduced by his revelational light because luminaries are sustained through burning. We must burn to shine. Through continuous burning, men rule and reign. One of the reasons God allows the sun to withdraw its light in the night is for us to produce our own light. So, all who are born of the incorruptible word of God are children of the day and not of the night.

However, satan is never active in the day because of the presence of light. As children of the day, we must learn to command the night to accomplish the purpose of God. The night represents the time of inaction when so many things do not work and darkness of the night diminishes the value of men. So, wisdom is inspiring us to take full advantage of the night hours and deprive satan the opportunity to use the night against us. We must not buy into the new orientation of rest after work to enable us see how useful the night can be. Since evil cannot reign where the light of God shines very bright, we must avoid the laziness and nonchalance that has crippled the chance of God to turn the earth into heaven. It is not the duty of God to lighten the world of men. There are so much that could be achieved with the effort of light; so, let’s burn continuously to produce our light to fulfil destiny. No price is too much to pay to harvest the relevant light that must improve our lives. It is through light of men that God establishes His destiny on earth. If we disallow darkness in our lives, satan will not be part of us.

Consequently, we are all born to accomplish a definite purpose at a given time. No man works in the night because the night is characterized with darkness which hurts the lives and destinies of men. We should work assiduously since we know that night time will eventually come when no man shall work. The hours of the day is a privileged season when all things are still possible. The night is the hour of darkness when men are forced to rest from their work. The values of men are interpreted from productivity. We are all represented by the work we do. This is a new season in the history of men. It is a time of spiritual blindness of the hour of darkness when revelational light is taken away from men to grope in the dark. This is a precarious time when so many things are coming together and so many other things are tearing apart. Each time God introduces a new light, He declares the previous irrelevant. When the light God sends is very bright, it blinds so many people. It will not be possible to achieve relevance in the night hour.

Furthermore, there will be no night if the lights of luminary bodies are sufficient to extinguish darkness. All who live by any light they couldn’t produce are slaves to such light. Night is sustained any time men lack the power to deal with darkness. This is why there can’t be night in any dominion where there is sufficient brightness. Those who want to accomplish exceptional feats on earth should make the night as useful as the day. God created the night to separate gods from men and the rich from the poor. Keeping watch over the night compels God to share hidden truths with us. God will not allow us to be separated from the fire that produces the light we desire to shine with.

Lastly, as children of God we must make God part of the night by meditatively studying the word of light and praying. Declaring light in the night is part of curbing satanic activities. Anyone who refuses to generate their personal light will be destroyed by darkness.

The discipline of watchmen to be awake in the night endears them to God. Day and night are the same to watchmen. So, God doesn’t hide His secrets from watchmen because of their ability to stay awake in the night. Taking care of the hours of darkness is a responsibility we must all take care of. No outstanding feats can be accomplished except watchmen produce the light of vision. Until men produce the light of their second person, seeing in the night hours of their lives will be difficult.

Encapsulated in the pages of this enlightening book are deep truths to bless you greatly.

Make a must read.

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