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There is a connection between man and his source. God will make all things new from things that have been in existence. We are a blessed generation to harvest the surplus of the past. We didn’t start from the scratch because Jesus has already paid for us. We can talk about the Lion because of the accomplished work of the Lamb. A Lion’s dispensation of Vengeance is about to be born; declaring a new future from an enviable past. The blood of Jesus speaks everywhere. The voice of this past will herald the Lion to come as a new personality. The Lion will be speaking, ruling and exercising dominion of His kingship among His own people. The moment change comes from within a man, his environment is altered and everything about him becomes new. The limitless power of transformation produces new creatures from men. God is looking for strong and courageous people He will depend on to alter our destinies in this millennium.

However, every destiny is forged in a path. There is a third people born out of a certain fellowship to produce a new destiny in the midst of men. The testamental force that will raise the third people is a breath, word, life and spirit. The strength of the third testament lies in the support of a sacrificial past. Tomorrow is better than today, and today is better than yesterday. These people who are redeemed but not yet perfect. It is the third meal of the third people that will make them perfect. So, there is a forceful rise in knowledge caused by revelation. Your journey to greatness and prosperity starts with separation. Grace meets you in the path as pain forges mental stability that will sustain you on the elevated seat/throne. This is why the Spirit of Vengeance cannot be represented outside royalty, end of all evils and ultimate prosperity. In the days of Vengeance, God will allow men to fight their own battles. The devil that is against you is not as powerful as the God that is with you. Take advantage of time and season to produce your best self because in the days of new things, men accomplish greater works. Once you are transformed, elements will respond to you. Some powers will begin to hear you than you will be positioned to celebrate your days. The greatest blessing on earth is to become an express image of God while on earth. This transformation will bring eternity to the earth.

Consequently, the life, power and testimony of every spirit is in its word. The word of God is a word of oath which He cannot separate from. We should patiently wait on His promises while feeding our future with faith-filled words because it is impossible for God to lie. Everything sowed yesterday is already speaking now and everything sown today will speak tomorrow. The God of every man is like the man. God is not captured with the interest changing of a man as with remolding the original man. The inscriptions on souls that regulate the arms of God rises from the souls of men to dwell with them wherever they are. The destiny of nations is tied to the African soil. The God in men differs in thought, size and soul formations. The concept of vision, incarnation and divinity is an organic revelational knowledge. Vision which allows some degree of freedom focuses on accomplishment, while incarnation owns a man100% is captured with transformation. The choice of God which borders on nature of seed determines both assignments. If we want God to make all things new, then we should start changing into gods by subjecting ourselves to continuous transformation. We should stand on what satan doesn’t know to make him powerless and reign. God cannot make all things new until He gets men. No man goes back to his original person after becoming transformed.

Conclusively, coming into higher thought is conditioned for new seasons. One of the greatest achievements is to be clothed with divinity and alter man’s nature through forceful transformation. Greatness is ordained in discomfort. Through continuous sacrifice men will force new season. Keeping company with angel of immortality exempts men from sickness, poverty and death. There are revelations that can usher God into your company as an angel. God will relocate everyone to the seat of Majesty on High where He will make all things new. Destiny can be emancipated when thought is altered correctly. What God will accomplish in us will need time to manifest. What you can achieve is what you have already achieved in you. The altar that has the eternal destiny of man unites earth quicker with heaven through sacrifice. The revelation of the third testament will not happen until men pay price. No work is more important than producing powerful spirits that can be handed over to saints to help them. When spirits come to the earth through sacrifice they remain, functioning in producing miracles for saints and making all things new for them.

Encapsulated in the pages of this revelational book are truths to bless you greatly.


Make it a must read.

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