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God created time from light. The presence of light in men inspires them to relate gainfully with time. All light-producing bodies are time-regulating and life-giving bodies. The life and destiny of every dispensation is in its light. The revelational light of God reveals His purpose for our individual lives. Spiritual light represents the person of God in the lives of men. It is the way we relate with time that reveals the intensity of our light and what God can accomplish through us. So, God reveals purpose from light to make lives of men valuable as they take advantage of time to reign. To enjoy the power of divine Omnipotence is to be in charge of time. Men are preserved in the timeline through the brightness of their lights. There is nothing a man can achieve on earth that is as important as being clothed with light. This is very vital because any part of our lives that is not clothed with light will give satan edge over us. Men are devalued when they are subjected to time. Anyone who didn’t conquer time will be subjected to time.

However, to secure a remarkable place in the timeline is possible when our soul is sufficiently imparted. Anyone who is not represented in the timeline by the light of God is not born of God. Luminary bodies exercise dominion on earth from their places in the timeline. So light-producing bodies preserve the lives of men through proper management of time. There is time for everything and purposes are fulfilled on earth through time. Through conversion, vision immortalizes men’s name and position their lights in the timeline. Time is so powerful that it doesn’t come under the will of men. But the enlightened takes advantage of it to achieve timelessness.

Since God relates with time through light, heaven will always influence men each time God desires to accomplish new things. New seasons are declared each time a man becomes timeless. One of the striking difference between the realm of the spirit and the earth is time fleets on earth. It is very painful for men to keep losing their lives without transforming into light. Any life that is not preserved by light will be destroyed by time. While time opposes darkness, it submits to lights. All who are born of God are introduced to agelessness through the brightness of God’s everlasting light.

Moreover, God forges destinies of dispensation through light. Since the destiny of time is in light, time can’t be created without light. What God achieves through men is controlled by the way they relate with the relevant light of their season. Nothing is more painful than living in a season without being part of it. Different lives have different kinds of lights in different seasons. How important a season is, is controlled by the intensity of light needed to declare such season.

Furthermore, it is awesome to know that light has the capacity to keep a man alive forever. Everyone is represented in the timeline by his/her light. The worst thing that can happen to any departed saint is not to have light in the timeline, then all the desires that distracted him/her has become a demon to them. But it is possible to be a man of great reputation in the timeline. Except we produce light, we will not be honored by time. The ability of luminary bodies to burn is the gift of God to them; that is why all burning bodies are sacrificial in nature. God will always use the light of people to create and control time. So, each time God wants to function on earth, He takes the nature of a sacrificial man.

Lastly, transforming into gods makes men timeless. Few men who have notable place in the timeline lived for light. Like God, gods lost their lives to light that they might live forever. Conquering time is man’s greatest achievement. It is the ability to conquer time that authenticates the eternalness of gods. The strength of every divinity is measured in the weight of its brightness.

Moreover, the greatest evil in the timeline is to smould but smoulding is practically inevitable for lightless lives. The timeline will not tolerate smoulding lives because light is everything there.

Why some people are not intelligent is because knowledge is very expensive. The cost of the brightest light in the timeline is high. Luminary bodies are consecrated and sacrificial burning bodies. The timeline is a realm of eternity where men are represented by different lights they paid for. There is nothing that sacrifice can give you that is more important than revelational light.

Encapsulated in the pages of this deep revelational book are truths that will elevate your life.

Make it a must read.

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