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The “I am consciousness” is the leading consciousness of all great and successful men. We are as powerful and important as what we know about God and ourselves. The “I am consciousness” is both a “God-seeking” and “self-seeking” consciousness. Since the only way to introduce God to the earth is through the unveiling of men, God can’t be part of the earth if men choose to ignore themselves. God must not be worshipped by men except He is introduced from a man. Man is as important as God on earth affairs. God needed the man Jesus to introduce Christ to the earth. Being the house of Christ made the man Jesus one with the eternal Son of God. The oneness of Jesus with the eternal Christ made Him immortal. Spirits share destiny with their human houses. It was the harvested humanity of Jesus that introduced the divinity of Christ. Saying that you are nothing is not humility; it is an act of ignorance. God can’t be part of nothing.

What people tell us about God is not as important as what we personally know about Him. The principal assignment that God accomplishes on earth is to look for men. Religion manifests a lot of evil in separating men from God. God has the power to change all things because He is unchangeable. His invariableness gives Him power over all variables. The destiny of anything that is changeable is tied to things that are unchangeable. God is a constant. He is trustworthy because He is faithful. All who are born of God are expected to look like Him. The Almighty God is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. He is which is, which was and which is to come. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever more.

The practical reason God must incarnate a particular Spirit to function among men is to remain a constant. Except God takes the form of a particular Spirit, His activities in the midst of men will be confusing and easily misunderstood.

God cares about who He is and His divine attributes. He builds confidence and courage on His divine attributes. It is the attributes of God that separate Him from men. God can’t be overthrown because of the kind of attention He pays to Himself. God is immortal because He made Himself from a mass of light. It is the mass of living light that produced God that also made Him the only potentate, King of kings and Lord of lords. Everything God created revolves around Him because of the “I am consciousness”. God created all things from His “I am consciousness”. It is the “I am consciousness” of God that made Him the Almighty. There is so much God can’t accomplish through us except we develop confidence in Him and ourselves. God exercises dominion in all realms through His “I am consciousness”.

It will be difficult for men to live right and win strong battles if they don’t have confidence in themselves. It is the will of God for people to develop confidence in themselves but this may be difficult except they discover and harvest themselves. Knowing who he was gave David the temerity to confront and kill Goliath. Even when everybody around him including King Saul discouraged him from fighting Goliath, he insisted until he killed Goliath. The “I am consciousness” of Jesus gave Him power over death and satan. It will be difficult for us to know the strength of our enemies if we don’t know our own strength.

God is the “I am that I am” because He is totally in charge of Himself. Being in charge of Himself also makes God a constant. The strength God has to control all things and subdue all enemies emanates from the fact that He is always in charge of Himself. Those who are never in charge of themselves must not be trusted. Adam lost his place in the garden when he lost charge of himself. There is no limit to what satan can accomplish in the lives of men when they lose charge of themselves. The worst thing that can happen to any man on earth is to lose charge of his life. Those who are not in charge of themselves are dis-fellowshipped from God. God will never preserve the lives of those who are not in charge of themselves. The harvested values of men connect them to God. It is the “I am consciousness” of men that preserves them.

However, there is no lasting relationship between God and those who are not mindful of who they are and what they have. We can only connect to God through what we have. Jesus connected to God through Christ. It was putting on Christ that made Him the Son of God. It is not possible to know what God looks like if we don’t know what we look like. God introduces Himself to the earth through men that are conscious of who they are.

Can a man who doesn’t know who he is and what he has receive sufficient support from God? The capital assignment of the Spirit of life is to make men sufficient in themselves. We should use what we have to connect to what God is ready to give us. It was the unique humanity of Jesus that connected Him to the awesome divinity of Christ.

 This life-transforming book is designed to move your life forward. Make it a must

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