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The earth lives from the heavens and the sovereign strength of the heavens is in its luminary bodies. The luminary bodies build their thrones in the stellar firmament. Those who desire to make lasting impact on earth must monitor the heavens. While the destiny of the earth is tied to the heavens, the destiny of heaven is tied to its light-producing bodies. Any man who desires to have dominion on earth must have a notable place in the heavens. The capital difference between heaven and the earth is the presence of the luminary bodies in heaven. The birth of Jesus in Bethlehem Judea was announced by a messianic star. The wise men declared that the star they saw belongs to the King of the Jews. This implies that there is a binding relationship between brightness and rule. All light-producing bodies are ruling and reigning bodies. God depends on light of the luminary bodies to give life to the earth.

The wise men that gave Jesus gifts were astrologers. Astrology is the study of the positions and motions of heavenly bodies to determine their influence on human affairs. The wise men had knowledge of the uniqueness of Jesus’s star.

This book was written because the heaven of this season needs to be monitored to pave way for the eminent coming of the Lion of Judah. While Herod depended on the scribes to know the birth place of Jesus, the wise men depended on the brightness of His star to trace it. Whichever way we desire to monitor the earth is necessary. All that is important is that we must monitor our environment. There is no dominion for anyone who can’t be part of his environment. It is through monitoring our environment that we are part of it. God will always depend on the light of the luminary bodies to determine the destiny of the earth. Everyone on earth is under the sovereign power and influence of the luminary bodies. While the sun rules the day, the moon rules the night. The stars are also part of the ruling power of heaven. The study of positions of heavenly bodies is very important because God uses them to change season. Heaven will always depend on the power of the luminary bodies to set dominion on earth. There is no earth without the power of the heaven.

However, the enlightenment of men determines their dominion on earth. God is light. All luminary bodies have their lives in God because God is light. Those that are born of the Spirit of God can’t walk in darkness but in the light of His life. God’s life is endless because it is preserved by His light. It is the presence of the light-producing bodies in the spiritual firmament that makes it powerful. Each time God desires to improve the lives of men He enlightens them. When it was time for God to improve the lives of the Jews, Jesus came with the light of Christ. The light of Christ was so intense that the Jews had to kill Jesus Christ. Meanwhile, it was by the light of Christ that Jesus conquered death and satan.

The luminary bodies build their thrones in the firmament through burning. The light that rules the day emanates from the burning of the sun. When Jesus Christ came as the Sun of righteousness, He was crucified. His crucifixion was like the burning of the sun. Since God establishes dominion on earth through the light of men, those who produce light will always share power with Him. The light content of men determines their places in God and how God relates with them. God made Himself from mass of light and can’t separate Himself from shining bodies. Thrones are made and preserved in light. It is brightness of light of kings that enthrones them. There is no night in heaven because the light of the Lamb in heaven shines in it.

The luminary bodies rule because of their ability to provide men with direction. Lack of direction is the worst form of poverty and lack. There can’t be safety without direction. The messianic star that the wise men saw brought them to the manger. When darkness takes men away from the path of vision, they become servants of darkness. We are as relevant as the light that represents our lives. Jesus became King of kings and Lord of lords because He lived from the light of Christ.

To declare the last age, a horoscopic sanctum must be built. The primary purpose of this sanctum is to house the Lion of Judah who is mass of light.

The life of the expected age is committed to the wheels of time. This is why it needs time-regulating bodies to be declared. When Jesus Christ the Sun of righteousness lost His life to declare the dispensation of Grace and Truth, the same dispensation preserved Him.

There are so much that the Holy Spirit kept for you in this prophetic and revelational book.

Make it a must read!

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