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I delayed in writing this important book because I believe that so many wonderful things have been said about the person of the Holy Spirit. Nevertheless, this is one of the most thrilling book I have written. It is an awesome and a great privilege to write about this divine person of the triune God that is in charge of man’s dominion on earth. Much can’t be achieved by any believer who doesn’t have a personal relationship with the person of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit shares in all the divine attributes of God. He is everywhere and is always part of everything God created. God committed the destiny of the earth into the hands of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is a destiny-transformer. To transform the wilderness into a fruitful ground, we need the Holy Spirit. To also transform the fruitful ground into a forest, we need the Holy Spirit. The activities of God on earth are controlled by the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God’s word that God depended on to create all things. It is the storage of God’s word in believers that sustains the presence of the Holy Spirit in them. The reason why a lot of believers don’t enjoy the sustainable presence of the Holy Spirit is because they don’t have the word of God in them. The Bible says in Acts of the Apostles chapter ten, that while Peter was yet speaking that the Holy Spirit fell upon the people that hear him and they spoke in other tongues. The Holy Spirit fell upon them because it is the Spirit of God’s word. The Holy Spirit can’t be separated from any place the word of God is constantly preached. The Holy Spirit became the Spirit of Christ because Jesus Christ is one with the word of God. Reading, studying and meditating on the word of God is fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit. Each time the Holy Spirit wants to talk to us, He consults the tabernacle of God’s word in us. The Holy Spirit speaks with the voice of God’s word.

It is the way we are imparted that controls our relationship with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is grieved when people say things that are contrary to God’s word and still attribute it to the voice of the Holy Spirit. It is risky for those who don’t have storage of God’s word to speak on behalf of the Holy Spirit. The activities of the Holy Spirit in the midst of the believers is controlled by the word of God. It is the relationship of God with His word that produced the Holy Spirit. We must allow the integrity of God’s word to try any voice that we hear. God introduces the Holy Spirit into believers by talking to them. The Holy Spirit speaks to believers to preserve them.

The Holy Spirit is a visionary Spirit that inspires vision in believers. It is not possible to be subjected to confusion after we are baptized with the Holy Spirit. Believers are expected to know what the future holds for them after they have been baptized with the Holy Spirit. Christ was the visionary Spirit that empowered the man Jesus to accomplish redemption. It was the constant fellowship of the man Jesus with the Spirit of Christ that transformed a native carpenter into King of kings and Lord of lords. People are delayed in life when they ignore all that constant fellowship with the Holy Spirit will provide for them.

The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth that comforts believers by revealing the secret things of God to them. He is a Comforter sent by Jesus from the Father to teach believers the things they need to know. God makes Himself part of His people by sharing His secrets with them. Christ was a mystery God unveiled to Jesus to comfort Him. The secret of every life is the hiding place of such life. Men give away their lives when they share personal secrets with those they are not meant for. It is the secret God is not ready to share with men that sustains His life and relevance. God hides Himself in the sacred discoveries He made about Himself. Those who have the word of God in them will always be comforted by the Holy Spirit.

The anointing of the Holy Spirit is the doer of God’s work. It is wrong to seek the anointing of the Holy Spirit when we have not built a home of God’s word in us.

This book was inspired by the Spirit of Truth to unveil to you the deep things about the Holy Spirit.

Make it a must read.

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