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The life of every earth is in its heaven. Heaven and earth lie in parenthetical parallelism. God made the palpable and structural heaven from the earth and the earth from the imaginary heaven. God establishes dominion on earth from the heaven of gods. God relates with the earth from the record-keeping of luminary bodies. The tabernacle of God in the midst of men is a sacrificial sanctuary. Hence, it is the sacrifice that established our heaven that determines the value of our earth. God and man exist in themselves. When men fellowship with the revelational light of God, they become gods and lighten their earth. The value of every land is in the light of its heaven. The light of God shines in the heavens of gods from the fire of their transformation. God institutes heavens through the ideological light of gods. It is the revelation of the thought of God that preserves the eternity of God.

However, God rules the earth from the sacrificial altars of men. Sacrifice produces new nature from men before it transforms their earth. Sacrifice has power of elevation, multiplication and is preserved in what is achieved through it. In efficacious sacrifice, God doesn’t take what belongs to men but makes demand from His provisions to them. God took the life of Jesus as Jesus took the life of Christ. Through the sacrificial lights of redeemers, God liberates incarcerated men and solve their problems.

Heaven like God has sense organs which enables it to keep record of earth activities. Luminary bodies are the governmental entities of heaven whose lights sustain the earth. Whatever is done on earth becomes part of heaven. Heaven has direct connection to the earth in searching out matters through its light-producing bodies. There are righteous judges of God, so whatever man can’t hide from himself is not hidden from the earth.

It is of great importance we contribute meaningfully to the earth as heaven accepts only the records of the earth. God will do nothing with fake claims of heavenly usefulness that is devoid of earth’s relevance. Whatever that doesn’t impart the earth can’t impart heaven. We must be servants of men/earth before God/heaven. God can’t relate intimately with whatever men reject. We must produce the best of us that the earth will present to heaven. The best earth is the earth of best men. One of the greatest dreams of God is to turn the earth into heaven. Whatever men sacrifice is meant to improve their lives and destinies of their lands. It is terrible to have a valueless earth.

Additionally, God hears the heaven which is the home of gods built by the values of their lights. So the measure of our illumination controls what God accomplishes through us. Amazing is the truth that any part of us that is illuminated by the light of God can’t be made available to satan. It is what we make from ourselves that determines how important we are to God. God creates the heaven of men from their earth and improves their lives and dominion from their heavens. We are on earth to improve its value by enhancing our lives. This is why any land with so many enlightened inhabitants can’t be subjected to darkness. So the heaven of every land is like the land. Making sacrifices to transform our lands is the most important decision we can take. History will always connect us to the fathers of faith and Jewish patriarchs because of their sacrificial contributions to their lands.

Moreover, light and darkness can’t exist together. So all dark bodies receive command from light-giving bodies. All who live from the light of luminary bodies will always live for them. It is what heaven receives from us that is designed to empower us to command the earth. A stingy man is voiceless, powerless and useless to other men. Jesus died to have a voice. Those who don’t give up any tangible thing for God can’t command the earth. It is preposterous to have stingy men in heaven. Talking about holiness and righteousness without sacrifice irritates God.

Conclusively, any heaven that must be inhabited by the spirits of men must be created from the earth through sacrifice. The way men pay price to introduce God, is how the earth must pay to introduce heaven. Except sacrifice builds a heaven for God, He will be everywhere and nowhere. God is a sacrificial Being and heaven is a sacrificial land. It is the life we started on earth that we will continue with in heaven. This makes our relationship with God achievement-based. Any life that didn’t serve on earth, won’t be honoured in heaven. So the closer and more important we are to God, the more useful we are to men. Our spirituality should inspire our earth’s usefulness. All who do not have earth’s legacy will not have a notable place in heaven. Whatever God achieves through us represents who we are to Him.

The revelational insight of this book will bless you greatly.

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