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The power of freedom is in the word of God. Both life and power of God are in His word. God depends on the power of the gospel to transform the lives of men. God’s word doesn’t go out and return without fulfilling the purpose for which it was sent. When God wants to save men, He raises preachers to teach and preach the word of God to them. Preaching and teaching of God’s word moderates His activities on earth. The word of God made Jesus one with God and there is no limit to all that can be achieved through its power. Anytime satan desires to keep people in perpetual bondage, he keeps the gospel away from them. God’s word heals with its light and clothes men with the divinity of God. Whatever God didn’t accomplish through His word can’t be fulfilled through any other means. God will keep sickness away from us if we hide the word in our hearts. God’s power is released through the eternal word of God. Each time God desires to end the unfruitful works of darkness, He inspires men to preach His word. God shines the light of His word upon the hearts of men each time he desires to reveal His kingdom to them.


Moreover, all who desires to enjoy the power of God’s word must hold tenaciously to His word. It is the transforming power of the gospel that produced fishers of men from fishers of fish. The word of God doesn’t only transform men, it alters the destinies of nations. Nobody remains the same after making contact with the light of the glorious gospel. God depends on the light of His word to set dominions in the midst of men. Darkness will not be tolerated wherever the word of God is prevalent. The word of God transforms the lives of men by lightening them. The light of the glorious gospel produces new nature from men. Therefore, we must not give the devil chance to shield us from the light of the glorious gospel. There is no relationship between God and as many as satan has succeeded in blinding their eyes. The gospel is made glorious and powerful by its light. So, the shining of the light of God in the hearts of men makes them new creatures in Christ Jesus. Preaching the gospel without introducing its light to people is a mere religious activity.  There is no godliness outside the light of God’s word. Those who despise the light of the glorious gospel mock the primary essence of redemption. Light has the ability to stand forever before God. So, Jesus came to the earth to reveal the light of Christ. We are as important as the light that directs our lives. This is why God preserves the lives of men in their lights. The reason we preach the gospel in and out of season is to introduce the light of the glorious gospel into the hearts of men.


Consequently, the ministry of the word is the only ministry God has. So, the primary assignment of all preachers irrespective of the designated office is to preach the word of God. The infallible nature of God’s word affects whatever it comes in contact with. The problem of sin and uncleanliness is solved through the incorruptible word of God. There is no miracle that is more important than the transformation that the word of God accomplishes in men. The Spirit of God is introduced into people through the word of God. It is not possible to lack faith after we are sufficiently imparted by the light of God’s word. We will always represent whatever we fellowship with constantly. Where you are now is not as important as what the infallible word of God of the Lord will accomplish in your life. Wherever the word of God is found, there will the glory of the Lord be revealed. The incorruptibility of God’s word exonerates those who put their trust in it from corruption.


If you want to live forever, the only chance you have is to hold tenaciously to the incorruptible word of God. It is the level of attention we pay to the word of God that determines the battles we win. Faith increases when the eyes of understanding of men are enlightened.


Lastly, spiritual light has limitless power. There is no death in brightness. The unapproachability of God is established in the light of immortality. The spiritual light is a tool of emancipation encapsulated in the word of God. Wherever the light of God shines continuously, there will be blessings and prosperity. It is the clothing of God that provokes divinity from men. The word of God can’t be buried. It was preposterous for the living word to be killed and kept in the grave. Whatever God accomplishes is in confirmation to His word. If you desire a turnaround in life, then speak the word of God. When you come before any obstacles or challenges, speak the word of God. The light of God’s word didn’t only create heaven and earth; it also sustains them. God will never deny those who have His light. The light of God’s word is the greatest asset of God. Paying attention to God’s word attracts the incumbent attention of God.

As you peruse through the enlightening pages of this book, your life will be greatly blessed.

Make it a must read!


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