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Any time God wants to achieve something on earth, He goes through a transformed man to bring gate of heaven to the earth. Wherever a tangible sacrifice is made to God, a spiritual firmament is created. The gate of entrance to the earth is the gate of their heaven. It is also the gate of their destiny and prosperity. So, when God wants to do wonders or reveal His arm of power, He moves men to build a gate of heaven. To build a city and tower whose top will reach to heaven will require infinite imaginative thought. The man Abraham had this unrestrained imaginative capacity; so, God started the faith journey with him. This lineage of infinite thinking has produced unique kings from David to Jesus and to the Lion of Judah.

Every man’s destiny is established at the entrance gate of his life. Whatever God will give to you is moderated by what He had already given to you at the gate of destiny. The infinite power God gave man is of his self-discovery. Whatever a man will become is always within him. The kingdom of this world becoming the kingdom of God is not about physical movement first but by transformation of thought. This is why God’s infinite power can be revealed through having victory over yourself. Where there is continuous discipline and obedience there will be God’s infinite power.

However, the greatest miracle on earth is the miracle of transformation. Success or failure, victory or loss, poverty or prosperity, all these are functions of power. If the gate of the earth must become the gate of heaven, there must be a revelation of divine uniqueness. Divinity is all about putting on the nature of God and remaining positive in the midst of any negative. God does not only relate with the efforts of men; He also relates with the way they are. So, any time your miracles seem delayed, sharpen your positive values. God is found on the altar of sacrifice. Each time God wants to further your life, He will make demand on you to be with Him. It is a secret to give continuously to anointed vessels and the poor. Sacrificial men don’t die. Sacrifice has the energy to relocate heaven to the earth. Whenever a sacrifice is made on earth, it attracts heaven. Riches, honor and glory are sustained on earth through continuous sacrifice. God is a Spirit that functions from the firmaments of men. The strength of God to function for you is determined by what He can get from you.

Consequently, imagination is the origin of knowledge. The last army must be unrestrained to enjoy limitless power from their unique imagination. The Lion of Judah is a Lion of imagination not even of revelation which will form the foundation of the third Testament. It will take the complicated wisdom of the Lion of Judah to gain dominion in this last millennium. It is the face of wisdom that uses people and things just the way they are. It is very imperative we relate intelligently with the gate of our heaven. To every taking, there must be a giving. God does not take those who collect things from Him serious. He treasures those who give things to Him.

Furthermore, there is a man that God will use to build the city and tower that reach to heaven. The last man of the Lion of Judah has the worthy nature to build this lofty kingdom. The dominion God gave man is measured in his spirit which is a function of his nature and support of God. it is men that control how God relates with the earth. The earth does not obey the voice of God, but voices of men which is why spirits envy men. Also, different earths hear different voices. The African continent of lions will hear the voice of lion men. When God wants to relate with the earth, He goes to the heaven created by men then He passes through their heaven to their earth. The gate of heaven can only be established by the altar of men.

Lastly, the heaven of the Lion of Judah is upon the altar of a man. What will bring down the heaven of the Lion of Judah is a great sacrifice from a man. Seeing with the eyes of your imagination leads to prosperity, dominion and immortality. God rejoices to see men of value because they are His hope on earth. Men of strong will and unrestrained imagination can accomplish great feats for God on earth. These men are innovators that are greatly inspired to create on God’s behalf. The gate of heaven will be established on earth through the sanctified imagination of men.

Encapsulated in the pages of this book are life transforming truths designed to bless your life.

Make it a must read.



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