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Evil can’t be separated from valuelessness. It is not possible to avoid valuelessness when men are not sure of what they are seeing. Declaring valueless lives holy and righteous is wrong because values of men speak more than abstinence. The primary essence of our humanity is to reveal the divinity of God. So, our spiritual, mental, social and economic value defines us as children of God. All that God desires to accomplish on earth is predicated upon the provisions of men’s values. We must not therefore despise the transformational ability of God’s word to enhance our values.

The value of every man represents his life and destiny which can be destroyed by darkness. God will always preserve the lives of men through their lights. It will take the sacrifice of men for God to pathway with His light. Every genuine act that introduces light into the lives of men defeats the power of satan. This is why through positive enlightenments; God duplicates Himself in men and wins fierce battles through them. God will only protect us if we hide in His light.

However, blinding the spiritual eyes of men is more grievous than killing them. A man whose eyes are blinded will never have understanding to connect to vision to his real value. All valuable lives are protected lives. God will not achieve on earth whatever men don’t have value for. So, lands are introduced to preeminence and lasting histories through the usefulness of its inhabitants. Destruction becomes inevitable when men are valueless. Since God is introduced on earth from the values of men, valueless men are godless. We are as important as what our values can achieve. God is disconnected from the earth through the valuelessness of men. But the glory of God can only be revealed through the values of men. This is why God gives men assignments they have value to accomplish. Values of men determine how the earth relates with them. God enhances the values of men when their vile humanity is clothed with the awesome divinity of God. So, it is not possible for a man whose life is clothed with divinity to be subjected to any kind of devaluation. The importance of every man is in his value.

Moreover, whatever that makes a man different from God has devalued him. It is not possible for people who are devalued by satan to accomplish the purpose of God. Devaluation is evil, dark and wicked. Any man who allows satan to mock the primary essence of his life through devaluation is doomed. This is why all who care about their future mind their values. God is also denied place on earth when those who are designed to represent Him are devalued by satan. We must not tolerate darkness in our lives because it breeds all manners of evil and afflictions. But the light of God has limitless power. It is only through light that the immortality of everlasting life can be achieved. This is why God enhances the value of every man He comes in contact with through His light.

Furthermore, what value enhancement accomplishes in men determines how God uses them. So, God first enhances the values of men when He desires to raise them. It is our preparation that moderates our accomplishments. What happened in us controls how the enemies and environments respond to us. It is what the light of God’s word produced from us that God depends on to win darkness. Except a man is enlightened, he can’t be immortalized. All that is important to God is preserved in light. All who follow enlightened paths are never subdued by darkness. Men are clothed with God’s eternal glory when they pay special attention to the light of God.

Conclusively, glory, honour and riches can’t be separated from anywhere the living light of God is found. Through burning, light-producing bodies accomplish the emancipation of the souls of men from the pity of darkness. Light is the solution to all challenges of our lives. This is why whatever God accomplishes through light endures forever. The light of every man is more important than him. The lives of men attract everything they need when they pay quality attention to the eternal word of God. When studying and meditating on the infallible word of God lightens us to be subjected to poverty or shame will be practically impossible.

As you peruse through the pages of this enlightened book, your life will be tremendously blessed.


Make it a must read.

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