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Light is life. Light is also pure and righteous. God is immortal because He is light. God created all things from mass of light and preserve them by the same. While light made Christ eternal, it made Jesus immortal. There is nothing God has that is as important as the mass of light that represents His endless life. God produces the best from men through His light. The personal light of men determines the influence of Christ’s light on them. It is awesome to know that enlightenment can immortalize mortals. It is very important we understand how darkness prepares men for death. The crafty manipulations of satan makes it difficult for believers to fathom how evil darkness is. The strength of darkness to incarcerate men in the pit of shame, hopelessness and death is why satan insists on spiritual blindness and ignorance for men. While satan depends on abundance of darkness in souls of men to destroy them, God depends on the abundance of light in souls of men to immortalize them. If we store light in our souls, God will be compelled to enhance our values.

Moreover, a lot of things can positively be influenced if we start new relationship with the living light of God. The enlightenment of men is an awesome experience. It exonerates from shame, puts on divinity and empowers men to win great battles. The visionary spirit in every man is the second person of his thought that is designed to impart and control his sight. The Omnipotence of the spiritual light of God declares His unapproachability. The ruling and reigning strength of God is His spiritual light. The kingly ordination of God is established in His immortality. God enlightens the eyes of men’s understanding each time he desires to share power with them. The royal power of every king is in his brightness. Whatever is not hidden is not important to God. Whatever we have the light to see, God will not hide from us. This is why men are expected to be enlightened to connect to the realm of God. Anybody who conquers the desire to remain spiritually blind and ignorant has won a great battle. All whose light shines brighter than that of satan will never be subjected to death and destruction.

Furthermore, the light of God has limitless power. There is no blessing that can equal to the enlightenment of men. When men get enlightened, the door of miracle is opened to them on every side. The light of God represents both His life and blessings. Also, the presence of God is sustained in the life of men through His light. There is no relationship between God and those who don’t have the light of Christ in them. Light can’t be destroyed. When the souls of men are enlightened, it becomes their hiding place. The everlasting light of God is a shield where the endless life of Jesus is hidden. Looking at a definite direction is an important aspect of personal development. We can’t see without light. Spiritual light has unlimited power. It directs the activities of God on earth. The spiritual light that ordained immortality can only be harvested from the thickest darkness. When darkness is very thick, the burning that will produce light from it will be extremely very high. It will take more excruciating process to harvest the Lion of Judah’s light.

Conclusively, God used to be a man. God’s ability to withstand burning made him put on an immortal nature and ascended into heaven. Only wounded mortals can become immortals. Mystery will only finish through the self-birth of the Lion of Judah, to exterminate the government of satan on earth, and declare the kingdom of this world as the kingdom of God and His Christ, and immortality of mortals. The flood of revelation is the birth place of God. Anyone with the spiritual light of God is worthy to see Him. The throne of the Lion of Judah is made unapproachable through the light of self-birth. The heavenly throne is hidden in the spiritual sun of heaven. Through the brightness of His light, the Lion of Judah functions as the Father of all spirits. What God will accomplish through us is not as important as who we are. The spiritual light we produce offers us the only opportunity to represent God. Light is everything to God.

Encapsulated in the pages of this revelational book are deep truths that will greatly bless you.


Make it a must read!

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