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Light has economic value. There is nothing religious about light. All light-producing bodies are reigning bodies. The royal authority of God is encapsulated in the brightness of His light. It is the brightness of God that qualifies Him to be worshipped and to receive sacrifices from men. The ability of light to extinguish darkness is what God depends on to set dominion on earth. We are as powerful as the light that guides our lives. God is known to produce precious stones from light. Which is why it is not possible for enlightened men to be separated from precious stones. Light has awesome power to attract glory, and honour. So, treasures flow toward the brightness of light. God gives men all things through enlightenment. The earth lives from the economic value of luminary bodies. The easiest way to end shame and poverty is to acquire light. The most important thing life achieves in men is to preserve them.

However, royalty is ordained in brightness and wherever there is light, gifts must follow. Each time light causes saints to rise, kings will come to the brightness of their rising. This is why no price is too much to pay to reveal the light of God. The divine nature of God can only be sustained in us through burning. All light-producing bodies are burning bodies. Those who sustain men through their lights enjoy the reward of their provision. The separation of luminary bodies is in their brightness which also determines their usefulness. The economic value of light is revealed through its brightness. Since God makes crown with light, seeking for light is an integral part of making crown. It is the price that men pay to make crowns that protects them on the throne.

Moreover, God will accomplish royal ordination through the light of men. It is only through light that the royal destiny of God can be preserved on earth. The fiery nature of crowns makes it impossible to be fixed on dark heads. God will never die because He has transformed Himself into light and with the brightness of His relevance, He rules the world. The royalty of all believers is established on their lights. Always remember that whatever light achieves in us cannot be destroyed by our enemies. Brightness inspires royalty. Therefore, to reign on earth is our destiny, but it is only those who have produced their light that can reign in life. Light empowers men to fight and win battles against satan.

Consequently, associating with immortality reveals God as a being and becoming. God is the immortality that dwells in an unapproachable light because He invested the totality of His life in producing light. The surest way to save our lives is to hide in the everlasting light of God. This is why our relationship with the light of God determines our destinies and what He accomplishes through us. Crowns can only be produced by light-producing bodies. Acquired light can’t make men as powerful as producing it. If God will depend on the light of men to enthrone them, lightless men will never be part of rule. The spiritual light of God makes men golden who will never be separated from gold. There will definitely be abundance of gold if the soul is saturated with light. This is why the economic value of every man is measured in his brightness. God will never separate Himself from people that have the eyes to see where He is hidden.

Furthermore, even great kings and strong kingdoms need light. Light has eternal relevance. We are as important as the degree of our brightness. Any life that can’t produce light will not be crowned by God. Light will always attract glory and honour. The value of light is priceless and inestimable.

Lastly, light is everything to God which is why He prefers it to His life. God has preserved Himself in the unrevealed truth. Whatever will protect and enthrone us must not be shared with strangers. It is the unapproachability of God’s unrevealed light that makes Him useful to man and creation. Light is very expensive because of its economic value. So, it is our lights that introduce our values to God. Sharing in God’s light produces gods from men. Clothing of men’s humanity with the divinity of God through enlightenment is an awesome achievement. All royal believers who desire to enjoy dominion on earth must pay for the light of dominion.

The revelations in the enlightening pages of this book is commanding all and sundry to sell everything they have and buy light. There is no end to the dominion that light produces.

Make it a must read.



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