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The destiny of the last millennium can’t be forged except the easterners take responsibility for it. A new messianic star has again appeared in the East and the destiny of this star needs to be interpreted. The eastern man is the most valuable man in God. Both the Lamb of God and the Lion of Judah have eastern origins. God can only be found in the breathing immortal lands of the east. The eternal work that God started in the east will also be consummated in the east. If we separate ourselves from the mystery of the east, the perfect can’t be achieved. The reason the tree of life grows only in the east is because it is the source of life. Death is prohibited in land of immortality.

However, the east which represents the origin of everything is the land of the rising sun. The Light of the world manifested from the East to redeem man; so shall the Lion of Judah. The presence of the tabernacle of God in the east makes it the safest place to be. The eastern man is the only person that has the opportunity to enjoy the fullness of the Godhead bodily. Everything will revolve around the man of the east in this millennium. The royal strength of the Lion of Judah to rule the nations shall emanate from His shining light. It is the brightness of the rising sun that immortalizes all easterners. And the Spirit of Vengeance is the guardian angel of the land of this rising sun. It is very imperative to know that whatever God will achieve in the nations at this time is totally depended on the preparation of the East, the eastern man and the eastern people. The luminary personality of the eastern man makes him golden and is why God must take his nature to rule the earth.

More so, heaven is located in the eastern part of eternity. Except the easterners provide an ideological tabernacle for the Lion of Judah, He will not come. God shares His divine nature with the easterners because He dwells among them. The east is the spiritual headquarters of the earth. The principal value of the eastern man is to reveal God to the world. God will alter the destiny of nations with His deposits in the eastern man in this millennium. Men share in the destiny of the land that produced them. God will always reveal His power through His choice. If you love the eastern man, God will love you. God will always forge destinies of lands from their geographical locations. The easterners are visionary personalities who are sacrificial in nature. And only selfish and sacrificial people that can be immortal.

The last millennium is the most important, useful, demanding and most sacrificial. The strength to give their all to vision is a gift of God to the easterners. The willingness and devotion to accomplish the purpose of God at all cost are what makes the easterners very remarkable. There is something about the preserved eastern soil where God forms men that look like Him. So, all that God may desire to accomplish on earth must require the availability of men. God will depend on the industrious nature of the eastern man to achieve His gigantic programme in this last age. God prefers His work to our lives. Work gives meaning to life. This is why God clothes men with His divinity to improve their productivity. The east is a visionary domain where men pay prices for their destinies. God doesn’t hide His secrets from eastern men that look like Him. God commits the destiny of seasons to visions and whosoever can access the vision is in charge of the destiny.

Much more, the preservation of the eastern man is as important as the vision of his life. What God will achieve through the eastern man of this age can’t be achieved through another man. Vision will produce the best of men through discipline. The enduring steps every man must follow to the top must be encapsulated in the light of vision.

Conclusively, the ability of the eastern man to keep his eyes on God is one of the outstanding factor that makes Him unique. Nothing is impossible for those whose hearts are fixed on God. It is awesome to have ability to keep God in our hearts. Divinity takes over humanity the moment our hearts are fixed.

The east is a home of luminary bodies where darkness and ignorance are not tolerated. Easterners are the best people on earth because they are the custodians of God’s presence and secrets. Being a Nigerian makes us relevant in this African millennium with the east bearing its glory. The baton we received must complete the work of the past. The power that will declare the last age is boiling silently in the tenacious loins of the eastern man. Let the arm of the Lord be revealed from the eastern Nigeria in this midnight hour that the ancient might know that God has honoured their words and given them eternal rest.

Perusing through the pages of this insightful book encourages you to be fully part of the eastern God.

Make it a must read.



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