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Eagles are large birds of prey with a fantastic eyesight. Eagles are diurnal birds that belong to the family of Accipitridae. They have feathered legs, keen eyes and powerful wings. Eagles are kings of the birds of the air. God wears the face of eagles because of their peculiarity. God reckons with the uniqueness of things. Eagles are one of the four beasts that are before the sovereign throne of God. The uniqueness of an animal that stands before the throne doesn’t need to be trivialized. Each of the four beasts that are round about the heavenly throne is full of eyes and has six wings. Like any other cherub with two wings, they cover their faces; with two wings, they cover their legs; with two wings, they did fly.

I decided to write this book because of the useful lessons this generation of believers need to learn from this unique bird of high altitudes. Eagles build nests in very high mountains. Eagles are not easily found because they are animals of high altitudes. There are different species of eagles. It is the nature of eagles that determines their habitation. Jesus came to the earth as an Eagle Messiah; He has His place at the right hand of the Majesty on High.

One of the chief qualities of eagles is their ability to see things clearly from afar. Eagles can see a prey that is two miles away. There is enormous power in seeing things clearly. The eyes which are objects of vision have a connection with horns which are objects of power. It is impossible to be powerless when you can see things clearly. The tower of vision is likened to the nest of an eagle. While the tower is for visionary men, the nest is for eagles. Both man and the eagle are visionary personalities. The eyes are all-powerful. Every man on earth should live from his eyes. Vision produces unique characters from men. It is not possible for those that can’t see anything clearly to live well. Vision moderates the characters of dreamers. Jesus has seven eyes and those seven eyes represent completeness of vision. The seven eyes produced seven horns. The seven eyes and seven horns produced seven Spirits. Seeing is part of knowing.

The major activity of satan is to make sure that people don’t see things clearly. Any life that is captured with so many things can’t be protected. Vision makes visionaries courageous and bold. Vision should be written with capital letters so that they that read can run with it.

Although eagles can be found in other nations, they are native birds that live predominantly in Africa and some part of Asia Minor. The life of eagles is associated with excellence that is why they fly alone. Eagles also soar in the heavens and build their nests in the mountains because of excellence. About twenty-five countries including Nigeria have the emblem of eagle in their coat of arm. This is because of the courage, power and excellence of eagles. The Spirit of God is an excellent Spirit. The end time army will function in excellence. The Spirit of rapture is an excellent Spirit that soars limitlessly in the realm of the heavens. Daniel functioned in excellence that was why his name was preserved. Eagles are immortal and ageless. Eagles, like lions are carnivorous; while lions rule the beasts, eagles rule the birds.

Moreover, eagles are monogamous birds. They are conscious of family bonds. One of the ways to know great families is that they care for their young ones. Eagles care for the eaglets because they desire to preserve their legacy. Eagles flutter the eaglets. Eagles have about sixty species with different behaviours. Fluttering the eaglets is a unique family character of eagles. The unique way eagles flutter the eaglets separates them from other birds. Because eagles are monogamous, they invest so much in family relationships. Training children is one of the important ways to impart values on them. The wing of eagles is a rich value in them. God builds destinies on values. Eagles reveal their unique nature in the way they train the eaglets. Training determines the destiny of man. Men live out their training. The way eaglets are fluttered is why they are part of the eagle’s family. Eagles are not found everywhere because they are ageless. As long as God lives, eagles will live.

Eagles are crown-wearing birds and there are no two crown-wearing birds. The peculiarity of eagles attracts crowns to their heads. The four animals that stay in God’s presence are peculiar animals. Their features and characters make them peculiar. Being peculiar makes men irreplaceable. Everything that reigned, reigned from its peculiarity. Time comes and passes, season changes but the nature of things remains the same. We must learn to discover our peculiarities and protect them. It is impossible for God to make a rich deposit in men and forgets.

Eagles are ageless. Agelessness is inspired by immortality and immortality is a product of vision. Immortality is a state of enduring forever. It is timelessness that defines agelessness. The agelessness of eagles is associated with the third-eye through which they see. All eagles see with the third-eye. Nothing can be seen clearly with just the two eyes. If you desire to be ageless like the eagles, you must be focused. Eagles attain agelessness through a painful rebirth process. There is always a time for all immortals to go through a painful process of rebirth. The book on eagles was written both to introduce to you this unique bird of prey that God wears its face and also to bring the throne of God closer to you. Make it a must read.

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