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If the past can’t be separated from the future, then the dead can’t also be separated from the living. We must be mindful of the way we live because the dead are always with us to improve their lives. The dead are grossly displeased when those God should use to advance their lives start living visionlessly. Sin and spiritual blindness play major role in taking lives of people. The dead hate sin so much because its pleasure does not continue in the grave. We must not allow temporary pleasures to subject us to eternal damnation. The dead have access to the future, so they can help the living by giving them revelation.


However, the future of the dead is with the living. Since we live for both ourselves and the dead, we must be mindful of our speeches. The God of the dead is with the living who should pay price for the fulfilment of their vision. The word of God is the only means through which the dead can be quickened. The word of God is God. Whatever plan God has for the living will involve the dead. The dead are around us because God wants to improve their destiny through us. God visits the dead from the living. Our actions either heal or hurt the dead. There is nothing hidden from the dead. While darkness hurts the dead, light heals their afflictions. God is introduced to the dead each time the message of life and immortality is preached. There are many saints in the grave with the light of Christ that must rise.

Again, the revelational light of God determines all that He accomplishes in all realms. This same light is meant to raise the dead, justify heavenly elders and immortalizes mortals. God manifests limitless power on earth through revelation. Nothing remains the same in the grave when the word of resurrection is spoken to the dead. Also, the heavenly Just men are perfected by same spoken word. God speaks to the dead to preserve Himself and exercise dominion in all realms. The only hope that God has to unite the dead with the living is His word. There are living quarters for the dead in the spiritual kingdom of God. The living quarters of every believer belongs to the second person of his/her thought which must be built through their sacrificial efforts. Therefore, the light of God’s word in souls of saints keeps them alive in the grave and shields them from the spell of second death and everlasting damnation. Lightlessness is the worst form of sin anyone can commit. Anyone who lost his soul to darkness has lost the chance to meet God. In any dominion where the dead is not honour, prosperity will be difficult. It is only by preaching to the dead that you keep them alive which is one step to their resurrection. The God of the dead is with the living. So, they encompass us that they might be improves because we are a continuation of their works on earth. The dead depend solely on the living to live again. It is in helping the dead that the dead help you. It was the cloud that brought Jesus out of the grave that also received/welcome Him into heaven.

Furthermore, this millennium belongs to the dead unlike the other millennia. Heaven is not a destination, but a transit point. The Lion of Judah is not coming from the heaven of the Lamb but from the heaven in Himself. We proceeded from those in the grave and we are living for them. People don’t lose their place and power when they die. Nobody forgets what belongs to him. The only thing is that the dead lost their body, their personality is still with them. So Jesus perfected Judah and brought David into the room of God. Hence, it is not possible for you to harvest everything in you in just one generation. Somebody must continue with an ability you couldn’t reveal. This is a controversial season when election of grace speaks more than the activities of men. Things men teach are different from what God reveals.

Lastly, the journey of men with God will end on earth; so, those in heaven are desiring to relocate to the earth. The destiny of those who are in the grave are tied to the unraveled truths of this time. This army is all encompassed with elemental bodies. It was the covenant relationship of Abraham and Sarah rooted in deep compatibility that kept them in same grave in Machpelah. It was the sacrificial lifestyle of Abraham that brought the preservation of his lineage up to Jesus the Lamb and even to the coming Lion of Judah. There are principles like hard work, sacrifices, devotions that God will never deny. You can provoke a beautiful reaction from an organized visionary action. The journey of men cannot end in heaven because man is an earth being. Those in heaven need us. The Lamb needs the Lion. Your fathers need you. If you please them, they will help you to succeed. There is a legacy that you met which you must improve.


The enlightening pages of this book are encouraging you to live in the consciousness of continuous existence.


Make it a must read. 

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