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Because of the primordial, age-old, antediluvian pre-existence of God, He knows everything that couches in darkness. With the torch light of His immortality God accesses the thickest form of darkness. God created light from darkness because darkness and light are the same in His sight. He is infinitely intelligent because He created Himself from a mass of light. Nothing can be hidden from God because He is all-knowing. God knows the end of everything from its beginning because of His ability to interpret Himself. In the realm of all-knowing where God is one, light rejoice over darkness. Nothing can be hidden from men who know the way God knows. Those who must enjoy the ability to know the way God knows are those who know as they are known. Before God created the valleys and formed the mountains, His ability to create Himself made Him God. God existed in His spiritual and mental imagination before He created Himself. In fact, the Omniscience of God emanated from His self-knowing. The veracity that bears the oars of absolute truth can only be introduced from the realm of Infinite Intelligence. In the realm of Infinite Intelligence where God is all-knowing, the living light that clothes God rules His life. It is the same unsearchable light of knowledge that established the immortality of His throne. Eternity will always be with us each time we all allow the Omniscience of God to produce divinity from our fragile humanity. The spirit of Infinite Intelligence teaches men to value their humanity. The reason why we must recognize and appreciate our mortality is because it is only through mortality that immortality can be established.

The realm of Infinite Intelligence is the realm of absolute truth. Absolute truth is a crowned truth that makes other truths true. The spirit of absolute truth is a comforter that will establish the end of mystery. In the realm of absolute truth, the past is the guardian angel of the future. The spirit of absolute truth has the audacity of vision and revelation to declare the age to come.

The age to come is a now age which we are expected to declare with the all-knowing power of God. It is a weird and unique age. An age of God and gods. God hides men’s future in them. Therefore the search for God must be the search for ourselves. It is not possible for any man to find God without finding himself. Infinite Intelligence must teach men to look for their future in themselves. The age to come is an infinite age that can only appear on earth through men’s readiness.

This is the time to look for ourselves. Finding ourselves is discovering God and apprehending our destiny. God doesn’t wait for His future to come, He arrest His future from Himself. Since God’s future is a now future, we must also know that our future is a now future that look like us. A future we must produce from ourselves; a future that look like us. It is not possible to apprehend an enviable destiny if we neglect the investment of God in us. The only destiny that God has on earth is the one that men give to Him. The nature of destiny that God will have on earth in a particular season is controlled by the kind of men that are made in that particular season. The will of God can only be achieved on earth when it becomes the will of man. Every act of God on earth is an act of man. Concerning earth matters; God needs to pray to men.

God refuse to hide from Himself because in His sight darkness and light are the same. God hates religion because it encourages men to hide from themselves. The falsehood that deludes men to abandon themselves to fate is why darkness gains ascendance over their future. You can be all that you are born to be when you learn to seek your future from the present.

This book in your hand is advocating that men must begin to seek God in themselves. Its revelation is emphasized that we must apprehend our future from what we make out of ourselves. If this book is in your hands you need to know that whatever God has can’t be part of us until we deliberately make it ours. In this golden age we must allow the strength of what we make out of ourselves through the power of Infinite Intelligence to enable us to declare the new season of surplus.


In writing of this book, we chose not to recognize the name of satan and other related fallen spirits. It is a book that is sired in revelation and veiled in the Infinite Intelligence of God.


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Customers Reviews

  1. Daniel Chris

    Enlightening book

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