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Meal has power of life and death. Whatever we put in our mouth is part of our life. The communion table is a living altar and a covenant gate. Each time we come to the communion table, we make great contact with the living God. Jesus Christ is forever alive in His body and blood. When the communion table is set, God relocates from heaven to the earth. Angels ascend and descend on the table of life. There are several kinds of tables that offer different meals but the communion table of the Nazarite is the table of the last meal. We are yet to know how powerful the communion table is. The Spirit that quickened Jesus from the grave always appears each time the communion table is set so as to quicken the mortal bodies of believers. It is at the communion table that Jesus shares His endless life with those that believe in Him.

The communion table is the most powerful altar on earth. At this table, Jesus Christ takes the nature of bread and wine to transform the lives of men. Nothing makes believers more powerful than partaking in the meal of life. Those who constantly eat the sacrificed body of Jesus Christ and drink of His blood share in His destiny. At the communion table, we are united inseparably with Christ. It is at the communion table that privileges of redemption are celebrated. Those who partake constantly in the meal of life will never see death.

God depends on the power of meal to sustain men in His eternal presence. Those who share destiny with God must care about what they eat. God preserves the lives of men through food. Jesus Christ became the bread of life to preserve us. Adam died outside the garden of life when he was separated from the tree of life. Jesus Christ made Himself a meal and drink offering to bring men back to God. If the destiny of the best man was tied to meal, we must depend on the strength of meal to fulfill our God-given purposes. Meal has preservative power.

Some people are not blessed sufficiently when they come to the table of life because of their inability to recognize the power and strength of the table. When Jesus died and was buried, He rose from the grave after three days to live forever. The communion table is a table of life that was established because of Jesus’ victory over death and satan. The victory that Jesus had over satan and death is constantly celebrated at the communion table. The man Jesus doesn’t separate Himself from the communion table. Each time the communion table is set, the man Jesus identifies with it. This is the reason so many people who eat it unworthy fall and some are sick. Those who recognize the power and strength of the table will always be blessed by it.

It is only a flesh that is not corrupt that can preserve the life of others. The legacy of the Son of God is preserved at the communion table and this needs to be acknowledged. The enormous price that Jesus paid on the cross and the victory He won over death and satan must be acknowledged and explored. The communion table is a place of mystery. This is why we must approach it with utter reverence. Nobody remains the same after eating the meal of life. There is no altar as powerful as the table of God on earth.

The life of every animal is in its blood. Jesus Christ will not be separated from His blood. The life of the Son of God reveals its power through the blood of the Son of man. All that God achieved through the birth of Jesus Christ and every effort that He made to remain incorruptible speaks at the table of life. Satan trembles before the table of life because of all that it represents. The communion table is an altar of God in the midst of men. Failure to recognize and identify properly with what the communion table represents will always leave believers helpless and hopeless. God allowed His only begotten Son to be killed for us to be powerful and invincible.

God will never separate Himself from sacrifices that are offered to Him. Coming to the communion table is meeting with God. Having ability to discern the Lord’s body offers us the opportunity to connect to the impossible. It is awesome to know that God will never be separated from the altar of the cross. Participating in communion is one of the most powerful thing a man can do. Those who believe enough in themselves will always get miracles at the communion table. There is no place as powerful as the communion table. God gave us everything in giving us His Son. The name of Jesus is most powerful and efficacious at the communion table. Whatever God doesn’t achieve at the communion table can’t be achieved at any other place. There are always problems left unsolved in the lives of all who avoid the communion table.

I have written 280 books but The Communion Table of the Nazarite embodies the life of God. The answers you seek are in the redeeming power of this book.

Make it a must read!

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