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The fierce determination of darkness to bring Nigeria to the cliff of destruction has been vehemently opposed from God’s presence. The birth of a new Nigeria is the only feasible solution to her numerous challenges. The prophetic position of Nigeria in this economic millennium has drawn the attention of God to her directly. To give birth to our desired new nation, sacrificial efforts must be made individually and corporately to develop the only land that has the graves of our ancestors. It is our corporate existence that made us huge, complex and intimidating. It is only patriotic that reckless leaders who plundered our economic destiny be brought to book urgently in this emerging political era.

However, it is the tenacious resolution of the Lion of Judah who is seated King over the affairs of Nigeria to finish with a generation of corrupt, heartless and blood-sucking politicians by the spirit of prophecy and power. There must be birth of a new spirit. To vehemently oust the outrageous works of hell and purge fallen altars out of Nigeria’s spiritual firmament. God will depend on what Nigerians kept in the platform of destiny to give Nigeria a new and prosperous destiny.

Nigeria is deeply wounded by corruption and we must collectively emancipate her from the clutches of doomed leaders. The man on the throne is a brother to the man at home. So war against corruption must be fought at all levels. Every Nigerian is like Nigeria and the change we corporately desire must follow a process of birth and emancipation. We must care about Nigeria because she is bigger than us. We must not allow political and religious inclination to destroy Nigeria. Nigeria needs to develop the spirit of servant leaders. Political parties and religious throne only on what the land provides.

Moreover, the greatest challenge of Nigeria is the presence of clueless and visionless leaders. God reveals His way to leaders but relates with the people through His acts. This is why the ordination of every leader is an answer to the numerous challenges of his people. A leader should be encouraged with submissive followership. It is possible for a leader to doubt himself in the face of vehement oppositions. There will be the emergence of visionary leaders who will depend on their insight to reposition Nigeria in the circle of nations.

Furthermore, it is very imperative for Nigeria to integrate deeper and closer despite differences in religion and ethnic groups. We must accept staying together as our destiny. This is a royal nation that must flag bear an economic renaissance that must truncate poverty out of the destiny of man. No part of the nation should monopolize the seat of power and economic destiny of the entire nation. Violence is a primordial concept that is geared toward retrogressing an already blessed society that is endowed with adorable abilities and values. The will of God is togetherness and unity. God has blessed Nigeria with best brains and experienced men that can advance the course of this country. For the birth of new Nigeria to manifest, Nigerians must work assiduously on their mentalities.
Again, Nigeria is transiting toward an unavoidable revolution. The government of separation and margination which falsely empower some people over others must be vehemently resisted. The cry to disintegrate Nigeria is spurious, baseless and unfounded. Nigeria is a mystery encapsulated in God waiting to be unveiled. Nigeria as the economic messiah is a lion nation in this last millennium.

Every country is as important as its citizen. The guardian angel of the last destiny of man is hovering over Nigeria and is secretly recruiting visionary vessels. A new Nigeria that is healthy, intelligent, sanctified and is ready to have global dominion must be born. One of the remarkable things God will accomplish in this millennium is the building of a dwelling place in the midst of Nigeria. It is a house built on the relevance of Nigerians. Nigeria shall be an epitome of everything that is good, useful and admirable in this prophetic season.

Finally, the strength with which God wants to accomplish His will in Nigeria will surpass every religious or ethnic resistance. A land that has our souls and the graves of our fore fathers must not be subjected to continuous turmoil and mayhem. We derive existence from what the land provided for us. God kept what every Nigerian needs in Nigeria. A new sun that will illuminate Nigeria will rise from the east. A storehouse that will shield the world from economic melt-down will be built in Nigeria like the days of Biblical Pharaoh. The mantle of preservation and unbridled prosperity is upon Nigeria. We are ready to strengthen ourselves to foster an enviable destiny for Nigeria. The heterogeneous nature of Nigeria is the source of our strength. To embrace tolerance and diplomacy is always better than violence. This is the time when God and heavenly personalities are insisting on good governance. Nigeria is bigger than any religion. If we destroy Nigeria because of it, our religion will have nowhere to stand. It is united Nigeria or nothing else.


Long live Nigeria!

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