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God believes that He has blessed us when He instructs us. God instructs us to be part of us. Instruction has awesome power. Instructions are tools of life, prosperity and enduring destiny. Except God instructs us, He will not be part of us. God is represented by His instructions. Violating the instructions of God is as dangerous as not being instructed at all. Instructions pattern the lives of men before God tabernacles in them. God makes the lives of men precious and valuable through instructions. Through instructions, God keeps men away from the path of death and destruction. Those who live by the instructions of God are not always taken for granted.

Instructions produce the best from men. There is no limit to the measure of wounds satan will inflict on lives that are lived outside instructions of God. God can’t be killed because He hides in His instructions. God subjects Himself to the instructions that established His throne. It is awesome to live by the instructions of God. God favours men by instructing them. Whatever is important to God is preserved by instructions. Our relationship with God is determined by His instructions. God believes He is despised when His instructions are ignored. Because the life and destiny of God are in His instructions, he will do nothing with disobedient rebels.

Adam couldn’t continue in the garden of destiny when he willingly violated the instructions of God. The Edenic garden was very rich and glorious because it was made in the instructions of God. Only instructed men can live in an instructed environment. Instructions make environments organized and rich in value. Those who walk in disobedience are not always part of instructed dominions. Nothing precious and valuable can be associated with carelessness. Men become servants of satan when lawlessness separates them from God. Only instructed lives can exercise dominion for God. Instructing people is an act of love. God sustains His eternal presence around men through instructions. If love motivates God to instruct men, we can’t keep instructions from those we love. All who were either despised by men or destroyed by the devil ignored the instructions of God. Instructions differentiate where God can be found and the chaotic nest of darkness.

The visionary Christ represents the instructions of God in the life of Jesus. The deeper we relate with the instructions of God, the closer we get to Him. The visionary Spirit pf Christ depended on instructions to establish Jesus as King of kings and Lord of lords. It was a path ordained in instructions that the man Jesus followed to the heavenly throne. Any man who rejects instructions has no God. The unusual opportunities that instructions provide inspires great men to delight in them. Believers take delivery of all that God desires to give them through instructions. God will declare us untouchable if we make instructions our hiding place. Through good relationship with the instructions of God rulers are raised from dunghill. The grace that inspires obedience is what is responsible for the enthronement of men. Obedience to the instructions of God attracts His trust to us.

However, it is not possible for God to despise those who keep His word. Constant obedience to the word of God attracts blessings from God. Because of the limitless favour obedience attracts from God, we must receive new grace to constantly obey the Lord even when it is painful. God will always support, be with and prosper obedient people. It is pertinent that we show sore hatred for the rebellion that produced a god from an anointed cherub like Lucifer. God has zero tolerance to rebellion.

More so, it is what men know about God that determines how they relate with Him. Instructions are revelational. God doesn’t give instructions to those who have no light in them. If a man finds it difficult to obey the instructions of God, it is because the light of God is not in him. It is the revelational light of men that determines how they relate with instructions. Those who have high measure of God’s light in them don’t find it difficult to obey the instructions of God. When Jesus Christ came as the light of the world, it wasn’t difficult for Him to be obedient unto death even the death of the cross. It was why God highly exalted and gave Him a name that is above every other name. Light determines the usefulness of men.

Finally, instruction is vision-based. Vision thrives on instructions. It is through instructions that immortality of vision is achieved.

This awesome book is in your hands because there is something you need to do differently.

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