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The prophetic messianic altar in the midst of Africa is the altar of altars. The uniqueness of this altar is in the strength of the sacrifice made on it. From the assignment of this altar, it is ordained to be the most powerful altar in eternity. If this particular altar from Africa will be more powerful than Calvary, then God needs to sacrifice Himself on it. The tripartite destiny of Africa, Israel and Assyria is meant to be declared from this altar. God will always depend on what men provide for Him to establish His will on earth. The altar in the midst of Africa is the thicket of the Lion of Judah where God will incarnate Himself to raise the third people. The greatest and most controversial gift God will give to men in this millennium is the gift of Himself. The sacrifice of every man reveals his nature and the strength of his dwelling place. Africa is remembered in a unique way in this millennium. Everything God intends to achieve on earth in this millennium is tied to the sacrifice on this altar.

Sacrifice is omnipotent. What God will achieve on earth is determined by what men provided for Him. It is the sacrifices of men that make God part of the earth. If sacrifice doesn’t connect us to God, we will not be part of Him. The God of every people dwells in the heaven of their altar. It is the sacrifice made on this altar that will make Africa the most powerful continent in this millennium. Through the sacrifices made on this altar, God will raise a tabernacle for Himself in the midst of Africa. This four horned altar is the thicket of the Lion of Judah. The four horns of the altar are spiritual projections through which the altar will unleash its power. Through these horns, the altar will relate with its beneficiaries and adversaries alike. The four horned altar is a Jewish altar in the land of Africa. Africans must lean on the strength of the God of the Jews to fulfill all that is written concerning her in this millennium. The coming of Jesus Christ to the earth as the Lion of Judah will remain an illusive dream except this altar is built.

The reason why this altar should be built in Africa is because God identifies with the geographical location of things. Where a man comes from and where he is usually found will always be part of his destiny. If this altar is a Jewish altar in Africa, then it has to be built in the midst of African-Jews. This millennium is both a Jewish and African millennium. Whatever must involve Africa in this millennium must involve Nigeria. There is something about Nigeria in this millennium. A country with the largest concentration of black men must not be despised in this black man’s millennium. The altar in the midst of Africa is meant to end evil in Africa.
It is very important to note that this altar will make Africans an ideological people of God in this millennium. Also through the strength of the altar, Israel shall be declared as God’s inheritance and Assyria the work of God’s hands. The Holy Spirit is declaring Africa as a special gift to the nations in this millennium. The security light of God on Africa is meant to empower Africans to discover themselves and fulfill the herculean task of building of this altar that the world is waiting for. In this millennium, Africa which was previously despised will reposition as a life-giver.

This book is calling on all concerned saints to take responsibilities for all that God wants to achieve through the African-Jews in this sacrificial millennium. Make it a must read.


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