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Our human minds are dedicated to God through taming. So, God depends on those whose minds are tamed by vision to preserve others. God builds the minds of men through visionary spirits. Depending on vision to create seat of thought is the beginning of every successful journey in life. When the minds of men are tamed by vision, they find God by paying attention to themselves. Our impartation is far more important to God than whatever we want to accomplish for Him. We can’t talk about usefulness without caring about connectivity.

Every act of reasonable living must involve taming of thought because thought connects to destiny. Men deny themselves when their thoughts are not restrained. The mind is a seat of thought, subconscious and human intellect. So, any spirit we build seat of thought for will guide our destinies. Whatever we keep looking at will definitely be part of our lives. It is an awesome opportunity to improve our lives through meditation. Our values are controlled by the intensity of light in our soul.

However, a lot of spiritual and mental energies are lost in looking at things that we are not designed to see. God will never preserve any life that is full of its own way. The mind is made shapeless through visionlessness. There is no limit to the level of evil that can be perpetrated by indecent/visionless mind. Visionlessness depicts absence of God. But through the taming of the mind, our humanity is clothed with the divinity of God. Since the spirit of vision is in the word of vision, our human mind takes the nature of God’s mind through continuous impartation by the word of God. The taming of our minds by vision answers all questions. This is true because God will find it difficult to hide important secrets from minds that are tamed by vision. Mysteries will finish as the visionary Lion of Judah tames the minds of the end-time army. This will graciously empower them to win battles against principalities, powers and every form of wickedness in the heavenly places.

Furthermore, we must allow vision to determine what we should meditate on. Whatever controls our minds will definitely give us destiny. Our minds conform to whatever we meditate on. It is wrong to advocate for the immortalization of people who are not sure of what they are living for. When a particular spirit shares thought with us, such spirit clothes us with its destiny. This is why we all need to be clothed with Christ if God must cloth us with immortality. Sharing in the thought of God makes us abide in Him. Thought is a person. The thought of God is the person of God and your thought is you. Any man tamed by vision can tame anything.

Consequently, whatever we want to take will definitely take from us. No one takes his life back after losing it to vision. If we give God our lives, He will enthrone us. What vision produces from men is far more important to God than the prominent seat they desire to sit on. Thrones are prepared on the way that leads to them. Only tamed lives can apprehend a great and enviable future. Vision crowns only tamed men. The mind doesn’t remain the same after it is imparted positively or negatively. A great mind can be made devilish through corruption. If you don’t want to appear negative in the spiritual realm, you must abide with the tenets of vision. Men will look like whatever they stay with.

Conclusively, discreet learning gives the mind a definite shape. You can’t build sitting place for two spirits. So, the spirit you build for shapes your mind and determines your destiny. While the light of God is sustained in the spirit of men through revelations, the light of God is sustained in the minds of men through their thoughts. Anyone who has not mastered his mind can’t be trusted by God to represent Him. Mastering of the mind is an inevitable requisite for lasting dominion. God makes out the best out of men when they master their minds.

Encapsulated in the enlightening pages of this book are revelations that will transform your life.


Make it a must read

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