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Taking root downward is very important because the foundation of every building must be tested. Any life that must not be destroyed by satan must take time to take root downward. Moses took 80years to get ready for his redemptive ministry because of his desire to become successful. Taking root downward is hiding yourself. The value of every life is in where it is hidden and what it took to hide it. Jesus was preserved because He took time to hide His biological life in eternal Christ. Only those who took root downward can be shielded from death. Every man’s God is found in his root. Taking root downward requires patience and except vision is clear, exercising patience will be difficult. God produces gods from men as they take root downwards. Taking root downward is the best thing that can happen to any man. The root represents both source and foundation. Men are clothed with the divinity of God as they take root downward.

The wise lay foundation on the rock, and the foolish will always build on the sandy soil. The church has survived because her foundation was solidly laid on great revelations. Every work under the sun will be tested. The way we build and what we build determine our values. Taking root downward fortifies us. However, it is our access to the hidden things of God that can empower us to take root downward. Taking root downward declares us invisible. God will never protect those who don’t see the need to take root downward. How deep our roots are, determines our safety and preservation. Taking root downward is synonymous to transformation. If there is no transformation, there will not be fortification. God believes we have saved our lives when we take root downward. It is not possible for those who take root downward to remain blind. The path that brought Jesus to the heavenly throne was revealed to Him as He deliberately took His root downward. Taking root downward inspires patience in men.

However, when God wants to preserve men, He inspires them to take root downward. How deep our roots are, determines the enemies we can win. Only those who have the eyes to see the invisible can take root downward. The inability of trees to take root downward makes them vulnerable and limits their opportunity of producing good and lasting fruits. Whatever manifests quickly can be destroyed easily. It will be very difficult to uproot any tree that took its time to take root downward. Satan manifests unbridled strength each time he meets people whose roots are not downward. Those who are spiritually blind will always find it difficult to take root downward. God can only be found by those who took root downward. Evils like death and destruction still reign on earth because man is ignorant of the importance of taking root downward. God used men like Moses, Elijah and Jesus to accomplish astounding feats on earth because they knew the importance of taking root downward. God can’t be killed because He hides Himself in the invisibility of His root.

Also, it is wrong to see tests as evils. Tests provide God with the opportunity to separate foundation that must be destroyed from the ones that will remain. God can’t establish a destiny without tests. How deep we descend determines how high we will ascend. We must take root in our visionary selves before we can be rooted in God. The power to exercise dominion is the product of a properly laid foundation. God hides in His word to empower believers to take root downward. Those who can’t take root downward will not meet God. Satan is busy uprooting those who are not rooted in the word of God. We are as powerful as the way we relate with the word of God. Men take root downward as they put on a new nature. By taking root downward, the divinity that is trapped in our humanity is revealed.

Conclusively, both God and satan care about how rooted we are. There is no limit to the measure of pain that can be inflicted upon people who ignore the chance to take root downward. Unclothed men are not found in God’s presence. Taking root downward is challenging, yet, it is the most profitable thing in life. Every man on earth must be checked by the devil. If the Prince of this world went to Jesus Christ, he can go to anyone. Whatever belongs to satan in our lives will not be protected by God. Taking root downward is far more important than any form of abstinence. The divinity that taking root downward provokes is the answer to every challenge in our lives. What God can accomplish through us is controlled by how deep our roots are. While Jesus took root downward as the Son of God, the Lion of Judah will take root downward as God.

The revelations encapsulated in the pages of this book will empower you to know the importance of taking root downward.

Make it a must read!




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