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Different spiritual lights have different strengths and travel at different speed rates. The word of God travels with the strength of its light. Spiritual light can’t be killed and that is why it declares God unapproachable. The age and relevance of every human body is determined by the intensity of its brightness. The presence of the luminary bodies makes heaven superior to the earth. The best way to live is to transform to light. Burning is not convenient but it is the only way that living light can be produced. The brightness of a light is controlled by its source and the price that was paid to produce it. God improves the brightness of our lights by imparting us with His infallible word. Light has economic value. There is no enemy that can’t be conquered through light. The spirit of life operates through the spiritual light of God. God sits permanently in heaven, but travels through His light. Jesus Christ is the light of the world because He is the Sun of righteousness.

There is no general light for men. The degree of our contact and dominion is measured by the intensity of our lights. The intensity of your brightness determines the kind of destiny you connect to. The man Jesus connected to us through the awesome light of the Son of God. God can’t be separated from anywhere His light shines. We can’t be more valuable than the intensity of our spiritual brightness. There is hopelessness in lightlessness. There is no situation that can’t be altered if we improve our brightness. The light of God shields men from evil and those who can’t produce light will remain subject to the hurts of darkness. When God wants to alter the lives of men, He shines His light first and then speaks from the strength of His light. Those who are shrouded in darkness can’t speak for God. If we want God to speak through us, we must acquire His light. The intensity of the light of prophets determines the accuracy of their prophecies.

However, the presence of God’s light empowers people amazingly to learn. The enlightenment of Apostle Paul was the primary reason he was inspired to write more than half of the New Testament. God believes that men have chosen to die when they willingly reject the light of His word. There is no preservation outside light. Except the light of God becomes the light of men, God can’t speak through them. Although light is very precious to God, it is not every form of light that is living. The power of God’s light is infinite because the living light of God is pure and without blemish. The living light of God will never lose its value anytime. God is infinite in knowledge and wisdom because He made Himself from the mass of living light.

Furthermore, while the Lamb of God was made with part of the light of the total mass, the Lion of Judah will be incarnated from the whole mass of living light. This will make Him Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent. We are as important as the light that connects us to God. Whatever is made in the living light of God can’t be destroyed by the devil. Jesus preached from the living light of Christ and that was why His messages were revelational and life-transforming. The way men can’t look at the sun is the same way they can’t look at God. God is protected because of His unapproachability. Evil doesn’t reign where burning bodies are found. Affliction ended in Galilee when Jesus the Sun righteousness was born. There is no connecting point between royalty and ignorance. Any life that refuses to burn will remain on the floor.

Also, for all reigning bodies, burning must be sustained to keep the light of rule. Light is a product of fire. While light represents the glory of God, fire represents the price that God paid to produce glory. God will not allow us to enjoy His everlasting light if we refuse to be part of producing it. The light of every man is the product of his sacrifice. Spiritual light is very powerful and useful; it is the source of all inferior lights. Light is very costly. Every form of light requires a price to shine. This is why all light-producing bodies burn. Those who can’t produce light live from the lights of others. Our relationship with light determines whether we will live or die. The extent of every man’s dominion is measured by his brightness.

Finally, the Lion of Judah will come as the mass of living light because this season needs to be introduced by His light and a man must pay for it. You were born to change the season of your family and root. Seasons are lost when they lack luminary bodies that can introduce them. Because of the price that men must pay to reign, a lot of people willingly avoid their royal destinies. What God didn’t achieve through His Son will be achieved when He incarnates the mass of living light. Incarnating the mass of light will declare God’s Omniscience and Omnipotence. If light is more important to God than His Son, then it must not be trifled with. Men are protected by their light and not the light of God.

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