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God will never have destiny on earth except man gives it to Him. The destiny of God is established on earth through the value of men. However, it is only a man that looks like God that can give Him destiny on earth. Man is the only access gate of God to the earth. When a man gives God destiny, God becomes his destiny. God depends on what men provide for Him to run His affairs on earth. The honour and glory of every man is in what God achieves through the man. Moreover, what God will achieve through us will always be controlled by what He achieves in us. God relates with men according to their value. God will always incarnate a Spirit before He seeks destiny on earth. When He incarnated Christ, the man Jesus gave Him destiny on earth. The destiny of Christ on earth is the destiny of Jesus. The way God is Sovereign in heaven is how man is sovereign on earth.

Anybody who neglects man will never meet God. When the Jews despised and crucified Jesus, God denied them access to Christ. God will always be denied access to the earth when men lack the value that can attract Him. A man that God will depend on to introduce Himself can’t be separated from the God he introduces. The face of God on Jesus was the face of Christ. The reason Jesus was crucified on the cross was to introduce Christ. It could only take a sacred man like Jesus to introduce Christ. The honour and value of the man Jesus was in introducing Christ. If it took the life of Jesus to give Christ a place on earth, God can’t have destiny on earth except men make sacrifices. The sacrifices of men represent the value of God on earth. The face God wears on earth is determined by the sacrifices of men. The sacrifice of every man represents the value of the man. When you meet a man, you meet his value. God will never identify with valuelessness.

The name of God does not solve problems on earth. Problems are solved on earth in a man’s name. It is the power at work in a man that determines how powerful the man’s name is. There is no problem anywhere God solves in his name. the name of Jesus is exalted above every other names because He housed Christ the Son of God. Housing Christ the Son of God made the name of Jesus more powerful and efficacious than the name of all men. Demons are subject to the name of Jesus Christ because of the price that was paid to obtain it. Nobody can be bigger than his name. names are crown of life produced from achievements. The price men pay to obtain a name will always protect the name.

There is God on your face. The God of every man appears on the face of the man. Every man shares destiny with his God and there is no general God. It is the God in us that we should give destiny. When Jesus came to the earth, there was Christ on His face. When John the Baptist came to the earth, Elijah was on his face. When people look at your face, they will see your God. The Lion of Judah is yet to come because He is looking for a man to give Him destiny on earth. It is the desire of God to unite heaven and earth but heaven can’t be united with the earth except man becomes one with God.

God glories in what He achieves through men. Jesus Christ is the most valuable man that ever lived because of what was achieved through Him. Satan manifests a lot of strength in devaluing people. Men deny God and themselves through valuelessness. A valueless man is a destroyer; an agent of darkness. If God must be part of us continuously, it is because of our usefulness. The capital separation between a man’s servant and his son is in the son’s usefulness. A servant that is more useful to a man is more important than his son.

Usefulness is important even unto death. That was why Jesus died. Anywhere useless people gather, the glory of the place will diminish. Anybody who is useless is more dangerous than a practical sinner. A sinner sins against himself, but useless people hurt God and everyone around them.

The desire of this book is to motivate men to reposition for their eternal place on earth. The Lion of Judah needs to be given destiny on earth and this book is canvassing for it.

Make it a must read!

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