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The ability to see the invisible empowers men to accomplish the impossible. Men live by what they see. It is what God shows us that determines how He will use us. All that men have ability to see represents the power at work in them. Men preserve themselves through the light of their lives. Seeing the invisible will always empower men to conquer distractions. Except we are sure of where we are looking at and what we can see, we can’t become powerful. God cannot do for us more than we can see because what we see reveals who we are. It is what we see that determines whether we will live or die. Whosoever shows us what we see will be responsible for our destinies. Power is a projection of sight. God will never give power to the blind. Nobody can become powerful than what he sees. Our relationship with God and destiny is established from our eyes. Only those who can see the invisible can accomplish the impossible. When men lack the ability to see what future holds for them, they see everything that come their ways as opportunity.

However, paying enough attention to ourselves makes us valuable. Avoiding the negative is part of empowering the positive. Miracle will happen everyday for all whose vision directs their lives. A carnally minded man who lives from only what he sees physically is an enemy of God. When God brings men to His realm, He makes them to see with His eyes. Men share destiny with God when they adopt His thought. Life and death are in the power of what we see. Where we keep looking at will definitely become part of our lives. Each time people meet you; they meet with your antecedents and contacts. We cannot see whatever we refuse to look at. God sublets His spiritual power to men by unveiling His mysteries to them. Transformation is the best thing revelation achieves in men. Men develop horns when revelation enlightens the eyes of their understanding. Access to the hidden truths of God determines how powerful we can be.

Furthermore, even though the acts of God in eternity is saddled in Omnipotence, He must depend on men to accomplish whatever He wills. In the realm of God, there is no impossibility because He knows the end from the beginning. God is Almighty because He is very powerful. His supremacy is sustained by the power of His might. Whatever is accomplished in heaven and on earth speak about the power of His might. God is very strong because He lives from Himself. Every man’s world and circumstances are expected to be influenced by the man. Each time God desires to function on earth, He builds His realm in the spirit of men. Those who function in the realm of God will always enjoy His limitlessness.

Also, the best accomplishment of every man is to live for what he sees. We must say no to other options after we have discovered purpose. Seeing the invisible tames men to accomplish the impossible. There is no enlightenment that is superior to unveiling your higher self. The revelation of the Lion of Judah from a man’s higher self will empower the man to declare the messianism of the sovereign king.

Conclusively, living for your higher self empowers you to accomplish the impossible. Uniting perfectly with our higher selves is the greatest miracle of all times. Men partake in the divinity of God through self-discovery. Seeing clearly is a prerequisite for accomplishing the impossible. Seeing the invisible provokes divinity from men. There is nothing wonderful about looking everywhere and seeing nothing clearly, since God will depend on what we can see to connect us to destiny. It is not possible for God to be part of any life that has no vision. Preserving our lives gives us dominion. Men are made powerless when they keep looking at things they are not meant to see. Those who tame their humanity through what they see can’t be separated from the divinity of God,

Perusing through the enlightened pages of this impactful book will bless you tremendously.


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