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If God must transform the nations in this economic millennium, Africa must take responsibility for it. Except Africa raises saviours, the prophetic plan of God for this age will be stalled. This prophetic event is designed to reposition the nations to fit into their individual destinies. The angel that has the prophetic mandate to raise the dead and immortalize the living through His message is making demands on Africans in this season. God decided to raise saviours from Africa because she is a land shrouded in very thick darkness. So a corporate company of saviours with the spirit of Lion of Judah shall God raise to exterminate the time of grief in all nations starting from Africa. Since saviours accomplish redemption through their light, the Lion of Judah will reign over the nations with the power of His ever-increasing light. Any destiny men refused to pay for will never be part of the earth. Sacrifice must be made before the light of God can shine on any land. To translate Africa from a consuming Continent to a producing Continent, it must involve sacrifice.

Moreover, the ability of men to articulate the new things that God wants to accomplish is what makes them saviours. Although the throne of the Lion of Judah is located at the centre of Africa, visionary saviours must pay to accomplish God’s vision in this millennium. God will depend on African saviours to salvage the economic tragedy of the nations. It is the light of saviours that qualifies them for the work of salvation. God will always raise saviours for prisoners. There can’t be freedom without light. This is why salvation must start with enlightenment of men’s eyes of understanding. Men connect to freedom through the price they pay. Those that can’t pay for light must not be allowed to connect to its benefits. If saviours must manifest from Africa, Africans must pay. Battle against darkness is on and God wants us to pay for the victory. The ability of men which represents the grace of God in their lives is necessary to declare the dominion of God. The glory that God will manifest in Africa requires the efforts of saviours. Whatever God will do for us is what He will do through us.

More so, there is an “I am consciousness” of every saviour. The invariableness that provokes the rigid confidence to alter the variables around them empowers saviours to prevail over time and seasons. Moses had a place in God because he was a constant. Whatever is established as a constant in the realm of the spirit will rule the earth. It is awesome for a man to exercise dominion over the works of God. Any life that is constant is very powerful.

Furthermore, saviours work in a team. Every great vision will require more than one person to accomplish it. We were wired in a way that you can’t do everything well. There is always something God will do for you through someone else. God is a team Spirit. He doesn’t work in isolation. This is why we have the “TRINITY”. There are many parts of God that are revealed in different men. It is the deposit of God in us that connects us to other men. The earth is a material realm where men accomplish things for God. The neglect of men is the neglect of God.

The repositioning of Africa must be from the altar of sacrifice. God relates with seasons and destinies of nations through the sacrifices of men. The altar in Africa is a bloody altar. This is the bloodiest millennium. God doesn’t separate what He gives to us from what He takes from us. Giving and taking will never end on earth because the earth is a place of exchange. Repositioning Africa must involve making her bloody. What God desires to accomplish in Africa in this season requires Jewish spirit. God takes only things that are His. The altar in the midst of Africa is a sacred altar that should be raised to attract the Lion of Judah to the earth. If God is not part of Africa, He will not crown her.

Conclusively, the Lion of Judah will require a human body which Africans must provide for Him to function on earth. Mysteries must finish in this last messianic manifestation of God on earth. The earth will share in the complete glory of eternity. Africa will witness amazing manifestation of God such that the earth has never experience since the world began. This is midnight, time is forcing men and nations to conform to their eternal destinies.

Perusing through the pages of this revelational work has made you part of the messianic army to welcome the Lion of Judah on earth.


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