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When the lives of men are saved, they prosper and things around them blossom. Vision is the answer to poverty, shame and misery. God will always prosper men who are tamed by vision. God prospered the house of Potipher because Joseph was tamed by vision. God blesses men as they dress and keep their vision. True prosperity is not about what we have, but about who we are and what we are becoming. Not being conscious of work and time prepares men for poverty. Getting things is not as important as preserving them. It is wrong to expose men to a prosperous life before vision gets them ready for it. Visionlessness subjects men to wandering after it has made them fruitless. What God will accomplish on earth is determined by what He gets from men. Those who desire prosperity must care about their preservation.

Furthermore, we are designed to be prospered by the spirit that harvested us. Jesus is the most useful man that ever lived because the Spirit of Christ harvested Him thoroughly. Man is both the guardian angel of God’s destiny and his own on earth. A man who is in charge of himself can’t be poor. Whatever vision gets from men cannot be destroyed by satan. Perishable gold is not as precious as what vision makes out of us. Whatever must multiply must be preserved by vision. There can’t be any tangible relationship between God and anyone who is not gleaned by vision. The messianism of the suffering servant was accomplished through the human value that the visionary Christ gleaned from the man Jesus while the messianism of the Sovereign King will be accomplished through what the incarnate Spirit of the Ancient of days will glean from the third Adam. God subjects men to death destruction when they deny Him the opportunity to exercise dominion on earth. It is wrong to expect God to do for us things He needs our harvested value to accomplish. Ignorance is an abomination to thrones. Thrones are as powerful as the light that establish them. The brightness of thrones preserves kings that sit on them.

However, continuous subtraction leads to losses. Satan subjects men to abject poverty by subtracting from them continuously. Looking for whatever we think that we need is as important as having ability to preserve it. To be visionless is the worst form of poverty. There is always preservation before prosperity. Wastage and losses are tamed wherever visionary men are found. The qualities of men around us will always determine whether we will prosper or not. To every problem, there is a solution, but the thoughts of men must be acceptable to God before he can use them to transform their lands. No matter how devastating a situation is, God will always depend on vision to salvage it. A poor man is someone who is not in charge of himself. When men lack charge of their lives, they will destroy whatever comes into their hands. A man that doesn’t know what to lives for will never know how to live. Poverty is not lacking things; it is a state of visionlessness. If we desire to prosper, we must relate profitably with the deposits of God in us. Except a man is tamed by vision, he must not be entrusted with rich values. When men pay quality attention to themselves, God will be compelled to reveal Himself to them. God is also compelled to see to the prosperity of anyone who has the discipline to keep what he has. God believes that men have become divine when they receive the ability to multiply what they have. What we can get from the earth will always be smaller than what we can get from ourselves.

In conclusion, the earth prospers as men improve their human values. Improving our human values is the greatest form of prosperity. Man is the greatest asset of God on earth. Having money is not as important as being valuable. Becoming transformed by the word of God opens the door of prosperity for men. We must not invest our only life into looking for money. Money has a perishable destiny and as such should not take the values of men. There are things men can’t buy after their lives are saved. Those who are captured by vision never spend their lives in non-profitable ways. Vision inspires saving. Those who are sure of what they are seeing must not allow the angel of vanity to distract them. Those who live for money can’t control it. There will be prosperity wherever saved people are found.

As you peruse through the pages of this enlightened book, you will save your way to prosperity.


Make it a must read.




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