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Religion is produced from a land to serve the purpose of the land. This is why we must prefer our lands to religion. The purpose of religion is accomplished with the provisions of a land. We must not allow any religion to destroy the values of our lands. God prospers religion through the values of lands. Religion is a system of beliefs that men resort to when their search for God becomes unfruitful. God wears the face of chosen lands and not religion. God can’t be found in religious centers; He reveals Himself from His houses in chosen men. Religion destroys the destinies of men when they give it the place it doesn’t have. It is evil to destroy our lands in a bid to protect or uphold the solemn interest of a particular religion. God will not preserve those who willingly destroy their lands. It is precarious to live in the midst of those who love religion more than their lands.

However, every man embodies the destiny of the land that produced him. The ruling power of lands is encapsulated in ordinance. Men take to religion when God hides Himself from them. While religion turns men away from God, ordinance establishes the way of God. Jesus was successful in His controversial messianic ministry because He kept the ordinance of life and ministry. God preserves His legacy on earth through the ordinance of lands. Satan uses blind religious leaders to thwart the prophetic programs of God on the earth. It is only preserved lands that can produce preserved people. Different lands have different destinies and God relates with lands according to their destinies. Any land that desires blessing must produce what God can depend on to bless it. Except a god is raised over the spiritual firmament of any land, God can’t be with its people. To raise a god is the greatest achievement of God for every people. When a man pays the price to declare a kingdom, the kingdom becomes his.

Also, while the Lamb of God paid for the spiritual kingdom of God, the Lion of Judah will pay for His millennial kingdom. The difference between anointed men and religious people is that while anointed men transform the land, religious people hate God’s presence. God doesn’t send messengers to the earth except He desires to improve the lives of men. The sacrificial efforts of the people determine the kind of messenger God sends to them. Lands that want God to visit them must build an altar that can attract Him. The Lion of Judah will manifest on earth because this season is shrouded in very thick darkness. Every devoted messenger will always mind the destiny of his land. The presence of darkness enthrones satan over the lives and destinies of the people. Every messenger is represented by his light.

Furthermore, lands must produce the enlightened messengers that God can use to transform them. The strength of every messenger is in the brightness of his light. The problem that the light of the Lamb couldn’t solve is why the coming of the Lion of Judah is important and imminent. The totality of God’s light is encapsulated in the Lion of Judah. We must not enthrone religion in our lands. Religion is meant to serve the purpose of lands. If a land is neglected, the people will not meet God. Jesus Christ didn’t only live for His land, He also died for it. The church is built on the life and traditions of the Jews. The church is an extension of the Jewish destiny. Where we came from will always serve as an important aspect of our story and glory.

More so, every high priest is taken from his people to offer gifts and sacrifices for them. One of the greatest things we can achieve in our lands is to alter the state of our lands, God raises dreamers each time He wants to alter the destiny of a land. Visionary men are gates through which God develops lands. Lands don’t remain the same after visionaries are born. Wherever there is light, there will be clear vision. The measure of the darkness in a land will always determine the type of light that would be needed to exterminate it. Lands preserve the legacies of anointed men through the transformation they received from them. Where we came from is more important than who we are. Our individual purpose is an integral part of the large purpose of our lands. If we don’t like where a man came from, we must not do anything with him.

Finally, we must not fight for religion; we must contribute to the development of our lands. You were born because your land needs you. God is not interested in religion; He wants the earth to be like heaven. Serving your land is serving God. Only preserved lands can produce saviors. Great men are gifts of lands. The destiny of lands determines the moral capacity of men they produce. With the coming of the Lion of Judah, a lot of lands will take a new destiny. Lands that are preserved by sacrifice are not easily taken by the power of religion.

Perusing through the enlightening pages of this book will shield you from the spells of religion.
Make it a must read.




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