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Anointing is the economy of God on earth. It represents our value and sacred relationship with God. Without the evidence of anointing, the sovereign will of God can’t be accomplished on earth. It takes a lot of effort and time to make our vessels ready for oil. A sustainable character is the appropriate vessel that determines the quality and quantity of oil that God pours on men. Pouring oil on corrupt vessels leads them to death. The omnipotence of character is why only transformed men should be custodians of divine products like anointing. God preserves His major oil in gods. The revelational power that produces gods from men is the capital assets of God on earth. Oil of God belongs to gods and not men. Pure and sacred anointing is a product of revelational light. The gain of remarkable transformation is marvelous and awesome. This is why the greatest opportunity we have is to take in the word of God because God can’t separate Himself from His word.

However, every vessel has its destiny which is given according to its kind. Developing our vessels helps to preserve us. Rich fellowship pays in spiritual and mental transformation. Lives that are guide by vision will always improve in glory. As we pay quality attention to God’s word, it will definitely influence our lives and recreate us. The importance of giving devoted attention to the word of God can’t be overemphasized. When we build the house of God’s word in us, it doesn’t only recreate our spirits, it transforms our soul which clothes our body with immortality. So one of the most laudable achievement of men’s lives is to build the house of God’s word which ultimately enhances their values. We are as powerful as all that are achieved through us. Living without the word of God is very dangerous because it will subject a people to mockery and shame. Since the word of God is the means of clothing men with divinity, those who separate themselves from it will never be divine. Fellowshipping with the incorruptible word of God is the most awesome experience on earth. This is why those who take oil from God without being one with God lose their lives prematurely because their vessels were not preserved.

Consequently, God relates with oil through vessels. What we are becoming is more important to God than what we want to accomplish for Him. Putting on a divine nature is very important for anointing of God. When our humanity is enhanced by the divine nature of God, we become agents of divine multiplication. The glory of every anointing is to have many vessels that can multiply its value. So the degree of our transformation determines how far we can multiply. There are pleasures that can’t be separated from whosoever God anoints. The oil of God has spiritual source in the light of God. The measure of oil God pours upon us is controlled by what His light accomplishes in us. This is why God depends on the power of His word to build sustainable vessels in men. If the messianism of the Sovereign King must be accomplished, a man must put on the nature of the Lion of Judah.

Lastly, the purpose God desired to accomplish through us was what determined the way He made us. Who we are is far more important than what we want to become. Studying and meditating extensively on the word of God doesn’t allow men to remain the same. The will of God can’t be accomplished in this evil world except with anointing. If you are destined to impart this season, you must seek the anointing of God because God breaks yokes through anointing. The person who made us ready and the way we were prepared influences the oil. This is very crucial because the eyes of God runs to and fro the whole earth beholding men in their different nature to be raised for diverse assignments. Please pay special attention to yourself because many unique vessels are needed by God in this last millennium. Anointing is royal like a crown; it can only be poured on ready heads. God doesn’t make crowns men wear. The price men pay to wear crown, stabilizes the crown on their heads. The oil God pours on us is controlled by the type of vessel we provide for Him.

Perusing through the enlightening pages of this book will motivate you to provide a usable vessel for God’s oil.


Make it a must read.

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