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God manifests ultimate power through the best selves of men. Those who look for God outside the best selves of men will never find Him. Producing our best selves is the most profitable thing a man can achieve for himself. When Jesus became one with Christ, He became His best self. Becoming one with Christ also made Jesus one with God. The best self of every man is both the realm of the man’s divinity and immortality. Uniting perfectly with our higher selves produces best self from us. The highest form of dominion can only be exercised by men at their best self. At His best self, Jesus Christ was completely God and completely man. There is no enemy that can’t be conquered when the higher selves of men produce their best selves. It was possible for Jesus Christ to conquer both death and satan because He produced the best self from His higher self.

God is at His best when He takes the nature of man. The greatest exploit of God is to produce a man that is like Him. The most plausible achievement of Christ was to produce Jesus. Uniting with our higher selves is becoming one with God. In Jesus Christ, the best of God united perfectly with the best of man to produce a God-man.

Except we discover and unite perfectly with our higher selves, we can’t produce our best self. Anyone that cares about his immortality must look for his higher self. The effort we make in seeking our higher selves rewards our preservation. The higher self of every man is the second person of the man’s thought. In producing our best self, our humanity is as important as our divinity. The terrestrial glory of man is as important as the celestial glory of spirits. There is no challenge we can’t surmount when we unite with our higher self. When Jesus became one with God by uniting with Christ, He also became one with the word of God. Jesus functioned both as a man and as a Spirit when He united perfectly with the eternal Christ. The higher self of every man is his visionary self, so only vision can connect a man to his higher self. Except a man has the knowledge of what future holds for him, he can’t be united with his higher self. The best people in eternity are those who produced their best selves by uniting perfectly with their higher selves. Jesus could have died the death of a carpenter if He hadn’t united with the visionary Christ.

God hides Himself in the true selves of men. To protect Christ, God hid Him in Jesus. Jesus became a mystery because Christ was hidden in Him. God manifests ultimate power in the midst of men when we unite the higher self with the best. It is only a man who has united with his higher self to produce the best self that can conquer death. It is only a man who has united with his higher self that can reveal God. The most profitable thing the light of vision does for us is to empower us to look at ourselves. Those who pay enough attention to themselves will not find it difficult to connect to where God dwells.

However, discovering your higher self empowers you to produce your best self. Jesus had to discover Christ before producing His best self.

All who must be clothed with immortality must discover the visionary personality in them. The visionary Christ preserved the man Jesus with His spiritual light before immortality. Christ preserved Jesus by taking charge of where He looked at and what He saw. The best thing the visionary Christ achieved on earth was to immortalized the man Jesus.

Finally, the glory of the terrestrial differs from that of the celestial. Things that God needs human beings to accomplish can’t be achieved by spirits. Our humanity is as important as the divinity of God.

You were born in the best season because the best is for you. This book contains revelations and insights that are designed to produce the best from you.

Make it a must read!

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