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Power is more of who we are and what we are becoming. God prefers who we are to what we have and all that we want to achieve. If a man is not born powerful, he can’t become powerful. It is possible to desire to manifest power when we are not yet powerful. Power is what we are and not what we want to achieve. To be powerful is to embody God. To be powerful is to be like God. Power belongs to God and not to men. What we will become is as important as who we are already. God prefers your seed to whatever you are becoming.

Those who are not powerful can’t use power. You don’t need to have power; you need to be powerful. Whatever we will become is controlled by what we are already. Jesus became Christ because He was born as both Jesus and Christ. We can only become who we are. God will always take from us to make us. Where we will be will never be separated from where we are. Beginning determines ending. We will never lack what power can achieve when we are powerful. It is only those who embody power that can be powerful.

Christ the Son of God was a being that Jesus the Son of man had to become. While the power of Christ’s eternalness is a being power, the power of Jesus’ immortality is a becoming power. Satan gives men power without making them powerful so that he can kill them. Power will always destroy those who want it without being powerful. Power is not meant to be looked for; it is a life we should live. Fasting and prayer can provoke existing power but those who are powerless can’t be made powerful through any act. However, being must be revealed before becoming can be actualized. The being in us must connect us to our becoming. The becoming is a crown God puts on our being.

The being in you represents both God and you. Discovering the you in you is being powerful. Being powerful motivates us to reveal the higher person in us. Power is a revelation in the spirits of men. Those who know who they are in Christ can’t be separated from the power of God. Jesus became powerful in being one with Christ. The power of being always controls the power of becoming.

God prefers who we are and what we are becoming to what He achieves through us. The power of God will always hurt people who want to use it without being transformed by it. It is only through the Omnipotence of God’s eternalness that the immortality of immortals can be achieved. To represent the eternal Christ was only possible for Jesus because He was clothed with immortality.

Moreover, God is powerful in Himself. Creating Himself from mass of living light made God Omnipotent. God exercises dominion in all realms of existence through the power of His being. God created all light-producing bodies from His own light. The Father of all spirits is also the Father of light. It will take someone who is the source of light to be the Father of all spirits.

God commits the power of governance to the luminary bodies because they have source in Him. God begets Spirits through the light of His word. The value of every life is preserved by its light content. It is our light content that determines how powerful we are. It is not possible for lightless bodies to be powerful. To be lightless is to be valueless, wretched and burdensome. It is the light contents of spirits that attract support to them.

The light of being which made Christ the Son of God was also the light of Jesus’ becoming. Looking at what is not looking at us depletes the values of men. Clothing Jesus with the light of Christ was what attracted death to Him and it was the same that made His resurrection possible.

Where you are is not as important as where you will be but where you are is where you will be. God protects gods by their light contents. God’s revelations protects those that have them. The lights in the spirits of men determine their destinies. The lights in the spirits of men control the influence of God in their lives. Whether men live or die is controlled by the lights in their spirits.

God forms the spirits in men from the lights made available for Him in their spiritual firmaments. Making light available in the spiritual firmament makes us powerful. God formed the Spirit of Christ with the light that the Jews deposited in their spiritual firmament. Jehovah is God of gods because He created gods from His personal light. It is the spiritual lights of men that house God. The spiritual firmaments of gods are built by their lights. The heaven of heavens was built by the spiritual light of the God of gods. The spiritual kingdom of God was built by the light of Christ while the millennial kingdom will be built by the spiritual light of the Lion of Judah. There is a sharp difference between spiritual light and mental light. While mental light can be acquired through learning, spiritual light is inherent. Those who don’t have spiritual light at birth cannot acquire it through any other means.

Hidden in the enlightening pages of this revelational book are deep things that couch in the originality of God. Make it a must read!

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