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God is all-powerful because He is all-knowing. God made the world by His power. He rules both heaven and earth by the power of His might. God consorts only with gods. This is why He introduces His divine nature into man before sharing power with them. So, God gets men ready for all that He desires to achieve through them because the legacy of God is preserved on earth by gods. God makes men powerful through transformation. God can only share power with those who look like Him. To be spiritually and mentally naked is to be powerless. Go doesn’t protect naked men because He only shares power with those that house Him. The discovered second person of men’s thought receives anointing of power. This was why God anointed Jesus with the oil of Christ. Who we are and what we are becoming is far more important than the wonders we want to perform. We are not all designed to be used for signs and miracles but we can all be transformed.


However, anointing is not needed in heaven. God doesn’t take responsibility for the oil of men. So, anointing should be paid for before it can be poured on men. God pours on heavenly men the oil to solve problems of the earth. Hence no price is too much to pay to enjoy the transformation that revelational light offers. Access to the hidden revelations of God is the greatest reward of sacrifices. Every destiny is forged from the thoughts of men. Thought is the meeting point between God and men, so improving the way a man thinks makes him powerful. It is only those whose thought are transformed by revelation that can be gods. The spiritual firmament where God meets with men is built in the souls of gods. We live out what we think. Nothing is as powerful as the thoughts of men. It is the continuous impartation of the soul that produces a god from a man. Therefore, learning must be done discreetly if a god must be produced from a man. Enlightenment is the only chance mortality has to put on immortality. It is not possible to despise any life whose soul is richly enlightened because every form of lasting or enduring prosperity starts from the soul. Now discreet meditation should be applied because whatever we think on will either increase or reduce the brightness of our souls. Nobody hides the degree of his soul brightness. The light in our souls introduces who we are to God. We are as powerful as the light of our souls. Fasting and prayer don’t make men powerful. It only provokes the power that is stored in the soul.

Furthermore, the clothing of the humanity of men with the divinity of God is possible through transformational process. God does not force change on men. So before the heavenly house can appear, we must allow the earthly house to dissolve. While humanity opens the door of vulnerability to satan, divinity closes it. Anyone who desires to be greatly used of God must pay quality attention to the incorruptible word of God. Fasting and praying provoke the power of God. The grace to fast when necessary is one of the unavoidable factors that determines our assignment. Tarrying continuously in God’s presence empowers us to accomplish miraculous exploits. When great energy is generated from consecration, nothing will be impossible. Each time we afflict our souls through fasting and praying, God is compelled to accomplish extraordinary feats.


Hence, power is a being and a becoming. God can only consort with gods. Power belongs to God and not to man. If a man is not born powerful, he can’t become powerful and can’t use power. Apparently, we can only become what we are becoming. God shares His power with spirits at birth. So, it is the measure of the spiritual light in spirits that determines how powerful they are.

Conclusively, power is a valuable asset that God can’t release to men except they pay for it. Spiritual clothes attract power to men. The divine Omnipotence of God is an integral part of His laudable attributes. The gospel is protected by sign and wonders and miracle. Power and healing anointing make it easy for doubting hearts to accept the gospel. The power of Christ was not a general power because Jesus paid for it. Through spiritual and mental transformation, men share in the life of a particular spirit. Power can only be preserved by those who prepared for it. So is precarious for someone who doesn’t have the character of a particular spirit to seek the oil of the spirit. Anointing is a crown that is put on the character of God. While oil can be provoked through fasting and praying, character takes a lifetime to be developed.

Perusing through the enlightening pages of this impactful book will bless you amazingly.

Make it a must read.



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