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Meditation subjects the souls of men to useful transformation as their humanity puts on the divinity of God. The human mind which is the seat of thought and intellect connects to destiny through meditation. God plants the destinies of men at the centre of their minds. The second person of every man’s thought is a meditating spirit that keeps them on the path of righteousness. Men access mysteries through meditation and whatever men have the will to seek God will lack the strength to hide.

There is no already-made mind. We are all designed to live from our thoughts. Meditating discreetly on God’s eternal word is golden. The destinies of men are positively uttered when they improve their thoughts through meditation. Improving the values of our souls through meditation will surely lead to financial breakthrough and divine health. Every fruit bearing act of meditation must be done discreetly. Because God hides in His word to transform the lives of men, meditating on the word of God is uniting with God.

However, investing in soul enlightenment is a prerequite for soul prosperity, value enhancement, and creation of an acceptable platform for us to stand in God’s eternal presence. The word of God is the sword of the spirit that elevates men to the realm of God. Through meditation, souls of men are ignited to manifest enduring divinity. Each particle of light that enters into our souls improves our lives. There is no battle men can’t win when there is abundant light in their souls. God will not hide Himself from those who keep looking at His word. Hence intentional looking which is vision based is important in separating the perishable from the preserved. Through intentional looking, men avoid the depletion that devalues visionary relevance and are disconnected from the ploy of darkness. Looking is an integral part of meditation that helps the human eyes to connect to their minds. The transformation that comes through conscious looking rescues men from pain, fears, sorrow and death.

The light contents of spirits determine their intrinsic weight and value. We were all born with light in our spirits. The light in our spirits can’t give us destiny except it is transferred to the soul. The flooding of the soul with the light of the spirit turns men into gods. Meditation which is a visionary activity can only be successful if we know where to look at and what to see. The incarnate Christ is the word of God that transformed the soul of Jesus. It is the nature of light that transforms our souls that determines the scope of our dominion. Souls of men will always take distorted shapes when they are subjected to light they are not designed to have.

What more, discreet meditation is highly important because men make contact with spirits as they fellowship with their words. Meditating discreetly preserves our souls. Like Jesus Christ, we all came in the volume of books. Not knowing the books to read and the ones to avoid devalues our lives. We can’t separate our lives and destinies from our daily meditation. Indiscreet meditation must be avoided to save our souls from corruption. God is not ready to give us what we want, He allows the kind and intensity of our soul brightness to determine our prosperity and success. It will be difficult for God to hide important revelations from preserved lives. It is not possible to have a lot of light in our souls and still lack what we need.

Also, through meditation, the light of God’s word becomes a way-maker and path-finder to all that fellowship with it. When the word of God deals with darkness, it makes us divine. Since the human soul connects to God or satan through the eyes, it is important that we tame our sight. Whatever we keep looking at will make an imprint in our hearts. We can’t see the path that leads to our destination except we pay unique attention to the living word of God. Important secrets cannot be hidden by God from those who seek Him.

Conclusively, meditating on the word of God should be done day and night because whatever we pay attention to, will definitely pay attention to us. It is through our eyes that we take information to our souls. The souls of men are shaped through meditation as the word of God has transformational and preservative power. Meditating on the incorruptible word of God day and night means having unbreakable fellowship with the Holy Spirit. The capital reason we must make deliberate effort to improve the value of our souls is because every activity on earth depends on it. When our souls is enlightened, it speaks in good health, prosperity and our entire destiny. Soul enlightenment is the only way we can share in the destiny of God and moderate the scope of the dominion of all He wants to achieve on earth. Enlightenment is everything in the kingdom of God. There is no relationship between God and any soul that is dark. Every man is expected to lighten his world from his soul. The light in our souls determines our destiny and the crown we wear.

The torch light to see and become, comes from meditation. Meet the spirit of help in this inspirational book and be richly blessed.


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