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God should not be looked for in the stellar firmament because He can’t be found there. God is Omnipotent in hiding Himself. He is hidden in mysteries and can only be found in complications. God is a multifunctional Spirit that can only be found in chosen men. Looking for God outside a man will lead to an endless search. Except God hides in a man He can’t share destiny with men. God becomes a god when He hides Himself in an incarnate man. Paying revelational attention to man is very imperative because he is the only dwelling place of God. In building a human tabernacle, both the spiritual contents of spirits and human contents of incarnate men are all important. The saints of this slippery age must provide a lion-man to home the Lion of (God) Judah.

The omnipotence of man motivates God to delight in men. The heavenly dominion of God is extended to the earth when God finds a man that looks like Him. As men are looking for God to assist them in spiritual matters, God is looking for a man to assist Him with earth matters. It is not the duty of God to produce the light needed to form the spirits of men. So the light of God in the spirits of the old testament prophets and saints was used to create the spirit of the new testament saints. God creates gaps before incarnating spirits of men.

However, incarnation is both revelational and ideological. The spiritual kingdom of God was established on the human value of Jesus. Only when God incarnates the Lion of Judah that the kingdoms of this world will become the kingdom of God and His Christ. Improved thoughts make our life’s inputs more proficient. The primary reason God hides Himself in a man is to improve the values of men. The mingling of men’s humanity with the divinity of God is a very rich and awesome experience. The transformed man became controversial as he represents God. Whatever is positively controversial is made powerful.

Additionally, the God of every man should be found in his root. God is an ideological Spirit that is preserved in the ideology of men, so through spiritual and mental transformation God can manifest from a man. God wears the face of a man that produced Him. Moses and Jesus wear the face of the God of the Law and of the Grace and Truth because the Jews produced them.  God’s word is an expression of His ideology which is potent for everyone who God imparts with a new thought for a new season. Everlasting dominion can’t be established without ideological stability.

Furthermore, when God hides in men, He depends on their names to solve problems. To solve colossal problems, God hid Christ in Jesus to improve His usefulness. The name of Jesus Christ is above all names; all things are subject to Him. It is the sacrifice which represents us before God that determines the power in our names. God establishes men’s destinies through their sacrifices.

The sovereignty of man on earth can’t be over emphasized. The evil of spiritism which is worshipping a formless God is healed in worshipping a God found in a man. The terrestrial and immortal essence of God is revealed through men. The man who houses God is worshipped alongside the God he houses. The earth will always be the world of men. Though the earth was created by God, but it belongs to men. It is only enlightened men that can produce a dwelling place for God. Every incarnate Spirit is a monument of light. The primary essence of incarnation is for God to replicate Himself in a man who become a living umpire between Him and men. It is the values and provisions of chosen men that determine the face that God wears on earth. So, calling the name of God without making reference to a man will create more problems rather than proffering a solution.

Conclusively, the God of every man is always part of his root. The God of the Jews was in them from the foundation of the world. It is only a God that is like us that we are expected to worship. Understanding that before God manifested from your root, you have always been part of Him, so you are in God and God is in you. It is very important for you to know the man that houses your God. He represents a mystery that makes him equal with your God. He is also an embodiment of your destiny because God meets men through a man. Wise men will always worship God in a man. This is why the neglect of man is the despise of God. We can only meet the God of a man when we meet the man of the God. The arbitrative ministry of Jesus was born from the desire of God to be worshipped through a man.

Encapsulated in the enlightening pages of this book are deep truths that will transform your life amazingly. Make it a must read.

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